FIC: Future Imperfect (11/16) (Kirk/McCoy, dystopic AU)

Mar 03, 2013 16:14

Title: Future Imperfect (11/16)
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: Mature (this part)
Word count: 3,239
Warnings: Extensive but non-explicit discussion of past child sexual and emotional abuse; slavery "light"
Thanks: To cordelianne, who is a faithful partner in a stressful time.
Notes: This story takes place in the same time period as the 2009 movie (and will ( Read more... )

kirk-mccoy fic, future imperfect

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Comments 16

treksnoopy March 5 2013, 00:42:16 UTC
So much pain!
This continues to be a wonderful story!


severinne March 5 2013, 02:50:38 UTC
Oh, my... *whimpers*

I still love this story, so very much, but oh, my heart... *whimpers more*


sickbay23 March 5 2013, 06:57:15 UTC
Poor Jim, he has to suffer a lot as a young Boy, thank god he has Bones now and he trust him, because Bones is a good man :)
Great Story


mijan March 5 2013, 15:05:29 UTC

Oh, Jim. Oh, Bones.


vulcan_rhapsody March 5 2013, 20:11:03 UTC
Oh...damn. These last parts were like a punch in the gut. I'm happy, though, that Jim confided in Leonard (and that both decided that they wanted to protect the other as much as they could).

Jim's back story is horrific. You managed to portray him well (and didn't overdo it, which isn't easy).

Also, I'm glad to finally know what Jim's up to in his free time - just as I'm glad to know that Pike is a good guy in this story and has been helping Jim all along (I suspected it! But I wouldn't have bet on it).

Can I add you as a friend?


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