The design of them has really been improved. I'm guessing they got more money :) The menus are more interation and they have more bonus features than S1. I also really enjoyed the writeup on the back of the box because it's super funny and different from most writeups I've seen, so make sure you read the back :)
I've watched everything, but a few of the commentaries (the ones with Jack and Jane made me smile because the two of them are so adorable). There's also some hidden easter eggs in the commentary menus that I'm trying to locate. I found one, but I'm still trying to find what I heard was a clip of Jack and Jane speaking Chinese.
Comments 3
I just finished watching my 30 rock s1 dvds, and I'm in serious withdrawal.
The design of them has really been improved. I'm guessing they got more money :) The menus are more interation and they have more bonus features than S1. I also really enjoyed the writeup on the back of the box because it's super funny and different from most writeups I've seen, so make sure you read the back :)
I've watched everything, but a few of the commentaries (the ones with Jack and Jane made me smile because the two of them are so adorable). There's also some hidden easter eggs in the commentary menus that I'm trying to locate. I found one, but I'm still trying to find what I heard was a clip of Jack and Jane speaking Chinese.
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