archive: [021]

Aug 31, 2010 00:07

[The camera flicks on, but the image is super blurry, like it's moving quickly. You can sort of hear Snow, and he sounds rushed, but not panicked.] Hang on, Thundara, just-- [A curse under his breath.] Just wait a second! [And the camera's facing the Mareep now, which... seems to be experiencing technical difficulties. It's glowing, and it has a ( Read more... )

*voice/video, thundara displays cute, !ic, @archive, evolution get, [kay], blame the sheep, location: route 32

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Comments 29

[ video ] yattagarasu August 31 2010, 07:17:53 UTC
[ ... okay, logically, with Garnet, Kay should be used to this, but she is still gaping like a stunned/ridiculously proud aunt. ]

She did it!!


[ video ] savethefarron August 31 2010, 08:00:53 UTC
She's been fighting it all day. Thought she could hold it 'till you caught up, but it turns out that wasn't such a good plan.

[Thundara toddles closer, still not so sure about this. But she heard Aunt Kay's voice, so she's perching up on her hind legs (a much more natural maneuver for Flaaffies than Mareeps) and peering into the camera. 'Flaa?']


[ video ] yattagarasu August 31 2010, 08:07:34 UTC
[ in response, Kay waggles her fingers. ] Look at you, you're my favorite color now!

... Where are you guys, anyway?


[ video ] savethefarron August 31 2010, 18:43:23 UTC
We're just-- [Okay, Thundara's hogging the screen. So he'll just have to deal with being a floating head for a bit.] Just a couple of days down Route 32.


[ video ] focusdenied August 31 2010, 13:23:41 UTC
[ Did she just turn pink? ]

Did she see?


[ video ] savethefarron August 31 2010, 18:40:16 UTC

Hey, I'm glad you caught it, too. I mean... You named 'er, after all.


[ video ] focusdenied August 31 2010, 22:31:55 UTC
[ Nods. Good. ]

You asked for a name. I gave two. That's all.


[ video ] savethefarron August 31 2010, 22:34:07 UTC
[A half-laugh, and he shakes his head.] I'd tell you to lighten up, but that's a horrible pun.


sweepingloyalty August 31 2010, 15:24:51 UTC
Did...did your sheep just...?

[well, that takes care of his evolution quota for the month]


savethefarron August 31 2010, 18:46:14 UTC
Yeah. No kidding. [He's scratching the back of his head.]


[video] catbitesgirl August 31 2010, 18:17:16 UTC
[A video feed clicks on to reveal another Mareep, nose pressed against the screen as she marvels at the evolution.] Mareep reep...


[video] savethefarron August 31 2010, 18:48:54 UTC
[Thundara hears the noise and quickly waddles over (she's still getting used to this body) to... well, hog the screen.] Flaaffy?


[video] catbitesgirl September 1 2010, 23:30:16 UTC
Mareep! Ma, mareep reep! [The other Mareep is squeaking excitedly. Wow, you're so pink and cute! Is that what I'm going to look like when I grow up?]


[video] savethefarron September 2 2010, 08:08:34 UTC
Flaa? Flaaffy feee~. Aaffy flaa flaaffy. [Cute? Why, thank you~. You'll be pink too soon. -- But Thundara says all this like she know's she's supposed to be confident, not like she actually is. She's still getting used to this new body, and you'll see her shuffling a front leg awkwardly on occasion to get used to the feel.]


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