Apr 16, 2010 02:40

I usually don't even think about posting a whole journal for a review alone, but tonight, damn, tonight calls for an exception. Just so good. I swear that it was one of the best episodes, EVER. If not THE best. Seriously. Stay away if you haven't seen it yet! Tons of spoilery stuff!


Where do I even start? Seriously?

I'm usually on a Supernatural high after any episode, but tonight's was just crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about how freakin' good it was. I had to run to my sketch book to draw out my favorite stuff - Man, I hadn't done that in a LONG time. I swear I'd post my sketches now, but the scanner makes too much noise and it's late so I'll wait until tomorrow. For now, I'll just gush over how much our 100 rocked my tv tonight.

First of all, I had looked at an article for a review for this episode before I saw it, but all I read was their opinion. I just closed the window once they said there were spoilers ahead. So glad I did.

To see Dean wrapping up his leather jacket with all his possessions - writing his last words down. I was so sad to see him addressing it to Bobby, cause it totally should have been for Sam or me. Deany, you really, REALLY shouldn't have said what you said to Bobby, though. Seriously. All those things he said, to him, and Sam, let's just say I hadn't been that angry at Dean in a LONG time. Maybe never. I love the boy to pieces, but ouch. At least when he told Sam, it looked more like he was telling him to push him away/make him hate him. When he said it to Bobby, his face, ohmygod, his face. It truly looked like he meant it. And that hurt like hell. Bobby has always been there for you Dean, how dare you. And then he pulls out his gun and bullet, and I cry my eyes out, and think, poor Bobby. He's the one that should feel most helpless, and he's still going. "And you know why?? Because I PROMISED YOU I wouldn't give up!" omfg Bobby, can I hug you PLZ?? *cries*

Castiel just fucking kicks ass more and more as the show progresses. Damn. And is it me or does it seem like he's gotten better at fighting. FUCK. *fans self* The only little spoiler that I knew about this episode was that Adam was coming back,  because I saw it in the promotional pictures. I honestly have to say, I really liked Jake's performance a lot this time around. I didn't really care much for him the first time we saw him, but this time, wow. He had some serious bite. And it was really believable. I hate how sometimes actors try to seem so pissed off and it seems so fake, but this just felt so right. I've read that some people think he sounded a bit like Dean, and yeah, I suppose so. Maybe that's why I liked him more ;D HAHA just kidding. I just totally believed his "fuck you, I choose my mother", so it was sweet when Zach was talking to him in the park, and you could see his opinion of them had clearly changed. Aw <3 Sadly though, I knew he wouldn't make it further than this episode, but it was sad to see him go the way he did. Dean must have felt awful for not getting to him on time *sad*

Another big no no for Dean? Sending Cas away. I half expected Dean to be hiding behind something then run out when Cas opened the door , haha :'D course, he'd just get caught, so I guess sending him away was the only way to get by, but still. Damn Dean. I felt so sorry for Cas.

And speaking of feeling sorry for him, once he caught up with Dean and beat the crap out him, all the while pouring out his feelings of betrayal? Sometimes I swear I forget that Cas is still an angel, cause nowadays, he feels so human. He's come so far, and what an amazingly complex character he's become. I FUCKING LOVE HIM SO MUCH <3

And don't even get me started on our boys. Dean in the panic room felt nothing like Sam in the panic room. It's crazy how much different Sam is from Dean, in the fact that even though he was afraid of what Dean might do, he still had faith in him. I guess he could sympathize, knowing that he always thought he would do the same. He wants to believe people don't have to follow their 'destiny'. And his answer when Dean asked why - "cause you're still my big brother" FUCK. You can't get it any better than that Dean. JUST LOOK AT HOW MUCH YOUR BROTHER STILL LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO TRUST HIM <3

AND MORE CASTIEL AWESOMENESS. HOLY CRAP.  When he said come and get me, and flashed his bare chest with the symbol cut into it, I knew right away I HAD to draw that. That was one of the first sketches I did afterwards LOL I need to look up a reference for that symbol though. BUT SHIT. The way he took out four angels with him in the blast of white light...CAS YOU'RE AWESOME. *bows down*

Dean's expression watching his family get hurt right in front of him - the pain in his eyes, and the strain in his voice *dies* but holy crap was I bouncing in my seat, when he turns to look at Sam, and it closes in on their gaze. AND THEN DEAN BEGINS TO SMIRK..AND THEN HE WINKS! OMG. I was pretty much hyperventilating. As to the whole confusion of how Dean was able to kill Zach (and fuck yes that felt good - he was a good actor and all, but he was a douche and had it coming for a LONG TIME.) and the reflection/shine in his eyes - it's pretty crazy. I'm definitely not sure what to make of it. But I guess I just see it as a way that Dean isn't completely 'dead' inside as everyone in the show liked to rub in his face. Dean still has some serious faith buried deep down below. I don't know if faith alone could help him accomplish the feat, because I don't think it had much to do with Michael, or then again, maybe it did. I just don't think it was all Michael's doing I suppose.

And OMG the ending. CRAP. I could not have asked for a better ending for this simply amazing episode. Their conversation *sniffles* and Sam tries to cut him off and Dean tells him to let him finish, and it's like "yeah Sam! let the boy talk! he never does! don't interrupt!" And for the first time in a long time, I feel like we have Dean back, the way he was meant to be. And Sam's smile while he was talking! OMG. *dies happy* OH BOYS, HOW I LOVE YOU SO <3

Crap. How is it this show has come so far, and it can still be SO GOOD? Possibly at it's best?? I don't know how those writer's working their amazing magic, but all I can say is, I'm so proud to be here, and even though I've only been a fan for a year, I'm so happy this show has come so far.

And maybe this is why I never do reviews. This is insanely long. My apologies! *shot* Hopefully tomorrow I'll have those sketches up! Man, what a night.

squee, spn 100!, supernatural

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