Title: Leaving Genesis House
storyfanPairing: Mark/Scott
Rating: PG-13 for cursing
Disclaimer: This story was written for fun, not for profit. I own nothing.
Prompt: Leaving Genesis House (written for
Spoilers: A few, but they're minor
Summary: Scott and Mark embark on a new life.
Word count: 1700 and change
Notes: As far as I can tell, I'm a
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Comments 8
Thank you for the lovely compliments!
It wasn't a perfect film, that's for sure, but there was something about it that resonated with me, and it probably has something to do with ditching a lifetime of shaky faith in God. Oddly enough, the film reassured me that I'd made the right decision.
Don't worry, I know all about getting caught up in tiny fandoms of imperfect movies :)
The Lady 529
Mark has every reason to believe people wouldn't want him. He came close to completely screwing up his life, and he hurt his family in the process. Rebuilding his own shaky foundations would require faith in himself, something he didn't have until he accepted himself for who he is.
And true, he does have every reason to think he's not wanted. Doesn't mean he actually isn't, though : ) Chad Allen's good at playing this sort of bloke, isn't he?
The Lady 529
Thanks again for all the lovely compliments. I do appreciate them.
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