Письма друзей

Feb 22, 2008 01:39

А вот что шлет наш норвежский друг:

To whomever can save EUSP;

Thanks to EUSP I learned a lot on Russian history and culture, that I do not think
I would have acchieved otherwise. I use that knowledge in my academic work in historical
studies, in communicating with Russian communities in Spitsbergen,as a journalist
and in generel in my journalistic work. It has given me a new an positive outlook in Russia,
and I hope future students will have the same opportunity as I have had at the EUSP.

I plead the government in St Petersburg and Russia to help EUSP
overcome the technical challenges on fire escapes in the EUSP building,
so this overriding positive aspect can continue existing, for the benefit of Russia, Russian student
and foreign students.

Henrik Pryser Libell
former student at

European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP)
Ул. Гагаринская, 3. Санкт-Петербург.
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