
Jul 31, 2003 23:35

It looks like it may just be one tonight. But to make up for that, it's long. You can find a complete chronological listing of letters, including links and short synopses here.

Fuck. I'd never seen Sean as responsive, as totally undone, as he was now. No, this was all for me, all mine. "You're so beautiful like this, Sean. So goddamn beautiful."

The words tumbled out before I could stop them, and Sean grew quiet. He opened his eyes. I was afraid he'd ask to be let out, afraid I might not be able to let him. I had to ask, though. Had to. "What is it?"

"I didn't know you'd get so much pleasure out of making me beg." A soft sound came from the back of his throat. "Have you-" He broke off as I began licking and nibbling a path from his navel to his nipples.

I turned my head enough to circle a nipple with my tongue, suck it into my mouth, and give it a sharp bite. Sean moaned so prettily I had to give the other the same treatment. Didn't want it feeling left out. Then I continued on my way, moving up his throat. He groaned and I could feel the vibrations with my mouth as I licked and sucked.

He tried again. "Did you..."

"Have I what? Hmmm?" I kissed him. "Did I what?"

"Have you-- Have you thought about this before?"

"Oh, yes. I've thought about it. I've dreamed about it." Thought about it. Written about it. Beat off to the idea of it. "About having you sweaty and struggling beneath me. But as you said earlier. This is so much better than any daydream. I've ached to crack that control that you value so highly, make you lose yourself."

His voice was barely more than a hoarse whisper. "Oh, sweet merciful Christ." He shuddered. "Why... Why didn't you say?"

Did he even need to ask? "I was afraid you'd say no."

He nodded. "You were probably right, too. I didn't fucking know." He leaned up to kiss me.

I leaned down to meet him halfway. After the kiss, I had to ask, "What didn't you know?"

"I didn't know. I didn't know." His voice had a brittle edge, and he fought the ropes. Fought himself. "He was right. Jesus."

I frowned. "Who was right?"

"No. Jesus, Vig. Don't ask me that." He turned his head, looked away from me. "Not now. You saw them. You read them. He was right, dammit."

He...? Harry. I hoped Sean mistook the tremor that ran through me for passion, not rage. Rage that I shoved behind a steel door in my mind. I wasn't about to give Harry this moment. I wasn't going to give him anything. Nothing.

When I spoke, my voice was surprisingly calm. "Hush, elskede." I leaned over, kissed his eyes. He sighed, went quiet. "He was sadly deceived if he thought I'd ever allow him to touch you." I cupped the side of his face, rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone. "You're mine."

His lips parted, and his breathing quickened. "Yes," he whispered.

I kissed him, quick but deep. "Mine."

"Yes." He got louder, began to grind himself against me as he strained against the ropes.

I worked my way down his body slowly. Throat, sternum, nipples, stomach, navel: all of them claimed with lips and teeth and tongue and that one word. Mine. And each time I said it, Sean gave his consent.

When I got to his cock, I licked the head, said, "Mine," and then took him all the way into my mouth.

When I took him in, his hips thrust upward, and even thought I was expecting it, he came close to choking me. It's hard to describe the sound he made: not as shrill as a scream, not as controlled as a shout. I pulled back slowly, sucking, my tongue rubbing the underside of his cock. Then I took him deep again. Pull back. Press forward. Back. Forward.

Sean arched his neck, tossed his head. He writhed under me, vocalizing mostly without words. The only thing clear was "Please. Yours. Yours." He was getting close. Very close.

I eased off just a little, then let him slip from my mouth. "I want you, elskede."

"Fuck me, Vig. Please." He rolled his hips.

There are some things a man never needs to be told twice. I lunged for the nightstand, fumbled about in the drawer because I didn't want to look away from Sean who just kept begging, "Please. Dammit. Please," tossing as he waited. Such a lovely distraction. It took me way too long to find the lube. By the time I did, he was clutching at whatever bedclothes he could reach with both hands.

I wanted to prepare him slowly, teasingly, but as soon as I slipped my fingers into him, he thrust back against them. Deep guttural noises came from the back of his throat. He was shaking. Before long, I was shaking too, trembling with the effort of not simply driving into him. Then he gasped, "Fuck me now, Vig. Fuck me hard. Make me.... Make me yours."

I pulled my fingers free, after little more than a cursory slicking up. It probably wasn't enough, not nearly so. "Sorry.... " I choked out as I positioned myself. "Can't... Can't wait." I shoved into him, pushing past all resistance, in a single deep thrust.

He cried out, pushed hard back against me. Oh, hell. Then he rolled his hips, unable to keep still. His hair stuck to his skull; his eyes were shut tight, and his breath came in hitching gasps. He tensed his muscles, trying to keep me inside, and the pressure, the heat, nearly made me lose it. I gritted my teeth. Not yet.

I hated myself for pulling back, felt a bit better about it when I thrust in again hard. "Damn it, all. You're so tight. So beautiful. Want to fuck you all day, Sean."

He cried out each time I pushed in. Each goddamn time. The only words I could understand were Yes. and Harder.

I gave him what he wanted, kept slamming in as hard as I could, then I reached between us searching for Sean's cock.

"OhjesusjesusVigmygod." His hips were thrusting erratically as my fingers found him.

I started stroking him off in time with my thrusts; my motions were firm, efficient. He bit down on his lip in order to contain the sounds. Fortunately, he didn't do a very good job. "Don't hold back on me, elskede," I said, encouraging him. "Let go." I locked eyes with him, shoved in deep, and said, "Mine." I claimed him with my cock and with my words.

"Yes. Yours. Yes. OhjesusVig--" He cried out one last time and spilled over my hand. As he came down, he moaned in time with my thrusts.

I didn't last much longer. As I collapsed on top of him, I whispered, "Mine," and heard Sean groan as I came inside him.

I'm not sure how long I sprawled there waiting for the strength to be able to get up and untie Sean. I reached up, grasped Sean's hand, twined my fingers through his. He squeezed my hand, opened his eyes. He wore the lazy half-smile of a man who has been well fucked.

I leaned over to kiss him. "You're fucking brilliant, elskede, you know that?"

He laughed, tried to nip at my lip. "Untie me, you bastard. I think my foot's asleep."

Well-fucked? Definitely. A bit uppity? Maybe. He can't help it that he's British. "That any way to talk to the man you want to do you a favor?"

"Pain in the arse. Passive-aggressive bugger! He flashed me an insolent grin. "How else am I supposed to talk to you?"

I slapped his ass--the side of it at any rate. "Nice and polite."

"Ow. You wound me. Deeply. When have I ever been anything but polite?"

I ignored him. "Besides you don't want to get us passive-aggressive buggers mad at you. We'll make your life hell."

Bastard gave a long-suffering sigh. "Isn't that the truth? All right. Please untie me, Vig, before I lose all feeling in my legs." When I had, he thanked me, then muttered "You bugger."

He has never been the sort to quit while he's ahead, and I warned him that I didn't have to let his hands free. He just nodded and flashed me a sly smile. "Yes, Sir."

My breath hitched slightly; my cock stirred. I closed my eyes. "You're giving me a hell of a lot of incentive not to let you lose."

He arched an eyebrow. "I had no idea, Mr. Mortensen. None at all. Should I file that away for later use? Sir?"

Fuck me.... No, better yet, fuck him. "Christ, Sean. Stop it."

"All right." He got very serious, very fast. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be fucking around, should I?"

I gripped a handful of his sweaty hair in my fist, tugged his head back. "Not unless you fancy getting fucked into next week." I untied one hand.

He coughed. "Finish untying me, and you can fuck me into next month, goddammit. I'll call you whatever you like. Do whatever you like. I just want to be able to hold onto you now. "

I untied the other, turned it over, and kissed the palm.

Sean reached for me with that hand, cupped the back of my head, and drew me forward into a deep kiss. When it ended, he said, "Yours."

I groaned, wrapped my arms around Sean. "As I'm yours, elskede."

He ran his fingers through my hair, moved even closer to me. "Do you think we have some time before Dave and Mir come around snooping again?"

"Time for what?"

He chuckled. "Just sleep, Vig. Aren't you tired?"

I mumbled an affirmative.

"Good. Because I'm fucking worn out."

"What a coincidence. I'm worn out from fucking."

He was laughing when he closed his eyes, then he opened just one. "I do, you know."

"Do what?"

"Love you, you bastard."

What I wanted to do was just repeat, "Oh, thank god. ThankgodThankgodThankgod," over and over again. What I did was chuckle. "Yeah. Love you too. Most of the time. In your less passive-aggressive moments that is."

"Fuck you." He shifted a bit, trying to find a more comfortable spot on the mattress. I'm trying to sleep."

"Can't have it both ways."

He snorted. "Later. Maybe when your friends aren't listening at the goddamn door."

There were some soft sounds coming from hallway. "S'okay. Not like they can tell tales, or I'll be forced to divulge what they were doing on our sofa."

"The sofa? Christ, I'm going to have to get it cleaned." He idly stroked my hair. I don't think he was even aware of the fact he was doing it. "Mmm. Tell me later. Or did you want to invite them in? Because like I said, I'm sleeping now. Don't know why you keep nattering at me."

"Not enough room in the bed." I muttered. "Would be nice to get the last word once in awhile."

He opened one eye just long enough to say, "Not a chance, Vig. Go to sleep, and we'll talk about buying a bigger bed when I wake up. Feel free to wake me up creatively, should you get bored."

I waited until his breathing grew deeper and more regular; then I whispered, "Passive-aggressive bugger" as I dropped off to sleep.

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