
Jul 20, 2003 21:33

You can find a complete chronological listing of letters, including links and short synopses here.


[Automated voice]: You have reached the voicemail of...

[Sean's voice]: Sean Bean.

[Automated voice]: Please leave a message after the beep.


*sigh* Sean, it's Miranda. I figured that the combination of you having your cell phone with you and having it turned on was a long shot, but I had to try. Listen. If you get this message, call me on my cell. If you don't get me, try Karl. Sean, there's something you need to know. It's important. Very important. Please call one of us soon.



[Dave]: Hello?

[Miranda]: Dave. What the hell's going on there?

[Dave]: Um, just, well...

[Miranda]: DAVE!?!?

[Dave]: Right. It seems that big wooden bowl of potpourri hurled itself across the kitchen. I'm crunching around on all kinds of dried up stuff-leaves, twigs, petals--

[Miranda]: *weakly* Please stop.

[Dave]: Smells like tangerines.

[Miranda]: Where's Viggo?

[Dave]: He's here.

[Miranda]: Put him on the phone.

[Dave]: She wants to talk to you.

[Viggo]: *muffled* No.

[Miranda]: It's important.

[Dave]: She says it's important.

[Viggo]: *louder this time* What is it that you don't understand about NO?

[Dave]: Mir, I don't think--

[Miranda]: Tell him it's about the pictures.

[Dave]: About what--

[Miranda]: Just tell him.

[Dave]: She says it's about the pictures.

[Viggo]: Miranda.

[Miranda]: Viggo, listen. This is important.

[Viggo]: So you said.

[Miranda]: Sean's note mentioned pictures. What did he say?

[Viggo]: I thought you were supposed to be telling me. *sigh* Fine. Something about not being able to ignore what was right in front of his eyes and not being able to get them out of his head.

[Miranda]: Fuck.

[Viggo]: You do know what it means. What's he talking about, Miranda?

[Miranda]: Oh, Viggo. It's Harry.

[Viggo]: Harry?

[Miranda]: I just left Karl's. He got hurt in the scuffle after you got knocked out. Broke his hand.

[Viggo]: Christ. Sean didn't....

[Miranda]: No. It was Harry. Dave had a hold of Sean, and Harry was going to take the chance to let loose on him. Karl stopped the blow.

[Viggo]: Shit. Go on.

[Miranda]: Before Sean arrived, Karl and Harry went off to talk, and Harry showed him a picture...

[Viggo]: A picture of what?

[Miranda]: Of you.

[Viggo]: A photo of me. So what's the problem?

[Miranda]: It wasn't just of you, Viggo. It was you and Harry, and you-

[Viggo]: *mumbling* Me and Harry?

[Miranda]: Viggo, you were tied up, and Harry was nailing you pretty good, from Karl's account.

[Viggo]: What?

[Miranda]: And Harry's been sending them to Sean. He's been sending his fucking pictures to Sean. And...


[Miranda]: Viggo? Viggo...? Vig, please....

[Dave]: Mir?

[Miranda]: Where's Viggo?

[Dave]: Just dropped the phone. Left the room. Jesus, Mir, what did you say to him?

[Miranda]: Remember those photos on Viggo's computer?

[Dave]: Who could forget?

[Miranda]: Harry's made himself up some of him and Viggo.

[Dave]: You mean pictures of them...?

[Miranda]: Yeah. And he's been sending them to Sean.

[Dave]: Oh, no.

[Miranda]: Oh, yes.

[Dave]: Shit!

[Miranda]: I know. Harry's such a bastard--

[Dave]: I don't mean the pictures, Mir. Viggo just took off.

[Miranda]: What?

[Dave]: He just pulled out of here like the devil himself was chasing him.

[Miranda]: No. Nonononono. You have to go after him, Dave.

[Dave]: I don't have a car!

[Miranda]: You...? Fuck!

[Dave]: Indeed.

[Miranda]: My fucking head hurts.

[Dave]: I could...uh...help with that.

[Miranda]: You could?

[Dave]: *very serious* I would prescribe a few aspirin, a long soak in the tub, and a relaxing full-body massage.

[Miranda]: *laughs weakly* You would?

[Dave]: Definitely.

[Miranda]: And you think you can hook me up with those things, eh?

[Dave]: Please. Remember who you're talking to, love.

[Miranda]: I'm going to swing by Harry's and see if anyone is there. Then I'm driving back to the house. I know I don't have the kind of luck necessary to just stumble across Sean or Viggo, but they have to come home eventually.

[Dave]: Guess so. I'm going to attack Viggo's mess. That's so wrong. I don't even like cleaning my own house.

[Miranda]: Consider it a sacrifice for a good cause.

[Dave]: Would this be one of those sacrifices that have rewards attached to them?

[Miranda]: You know what they say about no good deed going unrewarded.

[Dave]: Mmm...

[Miranda]: I should be back in about twenty minutes.

[Dave]: Better hurry then. I've got you on the clock.

[Miranda]: *affectionately* Asshole. See ya soon.

[Dave]: Bye.


Evenstarry: orli?
KissMyBow: livvie!
Evenstarry: i saw sean today.
KissMyBow: picking up one of elijah's messes no doubt.
Evenstarry: no.
Evenstarry: not that sean. the other one.
KissMyBow: bean? he's still in england, love.
Evenstarry: is not. he's back.
KissMyBow: back. but that nearly two weeks early. why'd he come back?
Evenstarry: dunno. didn't get a chance to ask him.
Evenstarry: he didn't even turn when i was calling him.
KissMyBow: maybe he didn't hear you.
Evenstarry: all the people standing around him heard me.
KissMyBow: ah.
Evenstarry: but orli, you should have SEEN him.
KissMyBow: i have, love. still not 100% sure what about him drives birds mad.
Evenstarry: you're joking?
Evenstarry: right?
Evenstarry: orli?
KissMyBow: heh. yeah, i'm joking.
Evenstarry: good.
KissMyBow: just a little.
Evenstarrry: !!!
KissMyBow: but you were saying???
Evenstarry: oh, sean was all beat up.
KissMyBow: maybe he was up late the night before. he's been gone for awhile. viggo might not have let him get much sleep.
Evenstarry: i didn't say TIRED. i said BEAT UP. as in bloody and bruised from being smashed in the face. a number of times.
KissMyBow: bean? you sure it was bloody bean, livvie?
Evenstarry: sure.
KissMyBow: can't help you much with your gossip mongering, love. don't know a thing about bean.
Evenstarry: gossip mongering? GOSSIP MONGERING???
KissMyBow: yeah, goss--
Evenstarry signed off at 10:57 AM.
KissMyBow: livvie???
KissMyBow: livvie???

[Thirty-seven seconds later]

KissMyBow: hey there.
DeadWetElf: What's up, Orli?
KissMyBow: livvie just messaged me about sean. bean not astin.
DeadWetElf: What about him?
KissMyBow: you hear anything about him coming back from break early, craig?
DeadWetElf: Me? No. He's back???
KissMyBow: yeah. well, according to livvie....

[Bernard]: H'llo?

[Karl]: It's Karl. Did I wake you?

[Bernard]: If you have to ask that question, you sort of already know the answer, don't you?

[Karl]: Guess so. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.... I'll call back later.

[Bernard]: Karl. I'm awake now. And I assume you wouldn't be calling me if it wasn't urgent.

[Karl]: *brittle laugh* Urgent...

[Bernard]: Karl, what happened?

[Karl]: Miranda came over this morning to check in on me. She confronted me. Accused me of conspiring with Harry. She's been talking to Sean, you see. They've been e-mailing since Viggo... Well, that's not important right now.

[Bernard]: Breathe, Karl. Just relax.

[Karl]: *takes several deep breaths* So she tells me that Harry's been winding Sean up, and she wants to know what he's been up to.

[Bernard]: Did you tell her?

[Karl]: I had to. She was standing right there, looking like she wanted any excuse take me apart with her bare hands.

[Bernard]: Did you tell her the truth. All of it? About the photos?

[Karl]: *voice barely above a whisper* Yes.

[Bernard]: *sighs* What did she do?

[Karl]: Helped my wash up and get dressed. Made me sandwiches. Cut up my pills for me so I could take them by halves.

[Bernard]: *mumbling* That's my girl.

[Karl]: What?

[Bernard]: What else happened, Karl? I'm sure that this not about confessing to Miranda.

[Karl]: About forty-five minutes after she left, Viggo arrived.

[Bernard]: Viggo?

[Karl]: He wanted to hear what I knew for himself, I guess. Bad news travels pretty fucking fast.

[Bernard]: How was he?'

[Karl]: He looked like shit. All bruised. But his eyes.... Shit, Bernard, I've never really seen Viggo angry. He's not all wild like Sean. No, he's quieter. Scarier. You can see it all in his eyes.

[Bernard]: Can't say I'm surprised.

[Karl]: He looks kind of pale, though. Tells me he hasn't eaten in...well, he doesn't know how long. I offer him one of Mir's sandwiches. She made plenty. So Viggo is in the kitchen, and I'm on the sofa; and I look up, and Harry's there.

[Bernard]: Harry?

[Karl]: Yeah. He starts to say something about getting tired of having to always lock my door, and then he just stops. Viggo's come back.

[Bernard]: Oh, no. Please tell me this doesn't involve another trip to the hospital.

[Karl]: Not this time. No.

Viggo stops dead, drops the glass he's holding. It shatters. Apple juice everywhere. And before I know it, he's all over Harry. Viggo grabs him by the throat and slams him up against the wall.

I start to get up, and Viggo tells me to stay where I am. He leans in close to Harry, has his mouth right against Harry's ear while he talks. I couldn't tell what was being said. But Viggo's knuckles were white from gripping Harry's throat and Harry's was trying to pry his fingers loose.

Then--oh, fuck!--Harry's hands just fell away, and his eyes started rolling back in the sockets--

[Bernard]: Good Lord, Karl, did you have to call the police?

[Karl]: No. Viggo let him go. Shoved him across the room and told him to help me clean up the mess. Then he left.

[Bernard]: And Harry?

[Karl]: He's locked in my bathroom, Bernard. Won't talk to me, won't come out. I... I don't know what to do....

[Bernard]: I don't think I can help you there. I wager that you know best why he's in there.

[Karl]: Me? What makes you think--?

[Bernard]: *with a bit of an edge to his voice* Karl.

[Karl]: We've some...unresolved issues.

[Bernard]: So I gathered. You need to resolve them.

[Karl]: I.... I don't know if I can.

[Bernard]: But you need to try, Karl. You need to try.

[Karl]: *wearily* Guess I should be on my way then.

[Bernard]: Yes, you should. But, Karl, if you need anything....

[Karl]: I'll call.

[Bernard]: Right.


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