Well, so, anyway, I've bought myself a new laptop at Best Buy. I couldn't really afford it, since it cost a month's pay, and all I have in the bank right now is about three months' pay, but I figure maybe I should treat myself to something nice once in a while, if I can afford it at all. The alternative is to succumb to the state of mind that
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Comments 5
Also sometimes it is nice to buy things you can't really afford just to make yourself feel better.
I can kind of understand your business thing. I've noticed that more and more of society is run on the quest for profit. It's seeped into social things as well. Everyone expects something in return, and you can't just be nice, because it means something else. Everyone's so busy thinking about profit and benefit, that they can't quite understand that sometimes people do nice things that are nice for no reason except to do things that are nice...or in your case, to do it right.
also, I dated one of those power for thesake of power people.
There are people in this world who do not care so much about money, and they're not all like me, content just to lounge in their own back yards. The "power purely for the sake of power" thing would probably describe a lot of the people I've been at loggerheads with. While it's true that huge money can bring huge power, it's also true that life is full of petty tyrants who seem to love nothing more than simply to make other people miserable, or control freaks who care about nothing but that the world conform to their concept of order. I'm confident we could together put together quite a list of the different types of people belonging to this general order, aren't you?
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