Fic: Since Feeling is First

Aug 23, 2013 13:41

Title: Since Feeling is First

Author: saucydiva

Word count: 1.8K

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Clearly I don’t own it or I'd buy everyone a bon voyage cake

Timeline: all of season one

Summary: Five times Mindy and Danny fight

Author’s Note: This one’s for Rikyl, who got me started on this show. I have no idea why I let you talk me into it, but I guess your plan worked ( Read more... )

lauren2347, throwingpens, rikyl, the mindy project, fic: one shot, fan fic

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Comments 3

ashisfriendly August 25 2013, 08:46:19 UTC

The whole back rubbing thing was so not okay. And all these fights were so on point and perfectly in character. Wonderful!


craponaspatula August 25 2013, 20:42:14 UTC
stop toying with my feelings


rikyl August 26 2013, 17:04:42 UTC
I adore this! And I'm so glad you're writing for these two, because I love how you don't downplay the friction between them, and how fun that can be. There's such an underlying current of ... something to it all.

I love Danny railing against Friends not being accurate about New York, and Mindy thinking of Thanksgiving as a season instead of a day, and Morgan with his weird vague happenings at the quarry always cracks me up. And there is something about this line:

“I don’t get why women wear all that goop,” Danny says conversationally.

Conversationally! He just says random grumpy things to make conversation, and I love it.


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