Fic: Better in Pairs

Jun 12, 2012 21:00

Title: Better in Pairs
Author: saucydiva
Word count: 1.6K
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Clearly I don’t own it or I would buy your votes with candy bars.
Timeline: 3x12ish

Summary: Ben wants April and Andy to pay their bills. April wants Ben to do something a little more fun first…

Author’s Note: It’s throwingpens’s birthday today and she prompted Ben teaches April ( Read more... )

throwingpens, parks and rec, fic: one shot, fan fic

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Comments 34

throwingpens June 13 2012, 02:23:17 UTC


throwingpens June 13 2012, 18:43:06 UTC
"How could he skydive with that many bracelets?"
Legitimate concerns brought to you by Ben Wyatt. Love that skydiving gave him the confidence he needed to talk to Leslie, and that even though he was reluctant he loved it. And that April wanted to do it and she hated it...I thought that was perfect.

This was great. I loved it. It was the best birthday present anyone gave me this year.


saucydiva June 14 2012, 05:59:05 UTC
I love that you drunk-commented on my fic. As far as I know, no one else has done that. But I love that you did and that you thought it was a great birthday present. I think you're just great, one of my favorite people in the fandom, so I'm pleased you loved it.


lizinstereo June 13 2012, 02:25:55 UTC
This is adorable. It ties in great with that Ron quote about Leslie and Ben taking leaps into the great unknown.


stillscape June 13 2012, 02:43:07 UTC
Yes, this.

Also, skydiving is awesome, and everyone should do it because it's awesome. Although the hats are really unflattering.


saucydiva June 14 2012, 19:30:41 UTC
Skydiving is the best. Just the absolute best.


stillscape June 14 2012, 20:27:10 UTC
We should go skydiving sometime.


sullen_aquarian June 13 2012, 02:38:44 UTC
I still have no desire to ever sky dive, but I love this story.


saucydiva June 14 2012, 19:48:23 UTC
Thank you for reading!

You know, my last story didn't make you want to read The Hunger Games, this didn't make you want to skydive.... I wonder what I can get you to not want to do next...


sullen_aquarian June 15 2012, 00:54:17 UTC
More things I don't want to do:

1. Eat lima beans
2. Go camping
3. Vote for Mitt Romney


princess_george June 13 2012, 03:12:00 UTC
1) So you've skydived, I presume? Cuh-ray-zee.
2) This is lovely.
3) I feel dizzy thinking about this whole thing. I rode in an airplane today myself, and it was fine by me that the doors all stayed shut and I left via the Jetway like a normal human.
4) Leslie would love skydiving, I think, yes? Yes. What do you think? I'm thinking yes. But I've never gone skydiving and never will. So you would know better than I would. Would she love it?
5) This is lovely. Did I mention that?


saucydiva June 14 2012, 20:00:16 UTC
Yes, I've been skydiving, and it was awesome. Would Leslie love it? I think so. But I also don't think it would occur to her to go do it, necessarily. I don't picture her seeking out thrills that way. But if Ann said it was the thing they had to do for their 40th birthdays or something? She'd love it.


rikyl June 13 2012, 03:21:19 UTC
Ha ha! April's not so badass after all.

Have you been skydiving? The descriptions were so awesome, seemed like you must have some personal experience.


saucydiva June 14 2012, 20:00:48 UTC
April is secretly a marshmallow inside. And yes, I have. And it was so awesome I went twice.


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