June 20 2004, 02:21:56 UTC
i think im gonna start posting everyday i mean why not i read what u do everyday why not comment on it and eventhough you didnt get to post what u did today i mostly know... a lil creepy huh? yeah but you should try and guess who iam and im not tricia like u guessed on another post but yeah good bye my love......
Re: I LOVE YOU...saucy_shandJune 20 2004, 07:48:17 UTC
its obviously one of my friends, cause i obviously either told you what i did today, or one of the people i was with told you. Also i dont think you're a guy the "lil creepy huh" gave it away, i know you, probally really well. The other day you spelled "actually" wrong so you can't be Manda, Mel, or Korey. I know its not spears, cause she wouldnt waste her time. Your "...'s" also make it a little obvious you're not a girl.
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