Maria-sama ga Miteiru Episode 1

Feb 01, 2004 19:20


I *loved* Oniisama E. Needless to say, this is the coolest thing since then. I would definately have stayed in Catholic school if I would have had a shot at getting a beautiful oneesama. I am so writing fic for this show.

And now, Ninja Couples I Thought I'd Never Write: Part 1.

He used to think that there was no point in feeling love for others. After all, it wasn't neccesary. Bloodlines could be carried on just as well with arranged marriages as with any other kind. Love couldn't make you happier or be of any use. Most of the time, in fact, it seemed to only get in the way. There was no purpose to it.

Now, he can see that he was wrong to think that way.

"Hinata-sama." The title is no longer mocking. He steps forward and looks at her, white eye to white eye. "You're not the only one who wants to become stronger for his sake."

Shock flits across her face. "Neji-niisan..." she replies, blushing red, pushing her fingers together. At last, she speaks again.

"When... when it comes to N-Naruto-kun, I won't lose..."

He used to think he was nothing like her at all. Now he can see that that was also wrong. He is very much like her, and is growing moreso every day that passes.

Neji, although has never blushed or fidgited in his life, gives her a small smile.

"Neither will I," he says. He feels more akin to her than he has for years.

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