Jun 22, 2005 22:53

I HAD TO. I just HAD TO. It was necessary.

The city is so busy that Gepetto doesn't notice when Lucia slips a Stud Card out from his trouser pocket. By the time he turns around, it's too late.

"Oh, Mr. Chef..." Lucia's voice has an undeniably dreamy quality to it as she half-giggles, half-sighs at the picture on the card. She is apparently unconcerned by her act of theivery. "Look at those pecs! Ah... I could just eat him up..."

Gepetto raises his cane threateningly. "Hey! What are you doing, girl? That's not for your personal enjoyment! Give it back!"

"Give it *back?*" Lucia clutches the Stud Card to her ample chest. "Never! This Stud Card belongs to me now, and if you want it, you'll have to... um... kill me!"

"Stop this foolishness!" responds Gepetto. Cornelia cracks her knuckles and puts her fists up. "I need that card so Cornelia can look beautiful! Now hand it over, or else..."

"You'll have to kill me first!"

"You said that already!"

Joachim comes between them like a brick wall, a frown on his face. "Fighting among comrades? We need teamwork to defeat our enemies, not these petty squabbles! Now, what's this all about?"

"The cause of justice is in dire need of your help!" says Gepetto, in what may be one of his finest performances. "This young lady had the audacity to steal my personal possesion! Such cruelty, at the end of my life... will no one hear the cries of the elderly...?"

Lucia displays Mr. Chef as proudly and mystically as she would a Tarot Card. "I'll share him," she whispers.

To his credit, Joachim only pauses for a moment before gently removing the card from between Lucia's fingers and handing it back to Gepetto.

"A man's path is a hard one," he mutters, his voice full of sorrow.

In other Shadow Hearts related news: the thing I currently want most in the world is "Kurando does WWI-era Japan/Europe (With special guest appearences by Tsukiyomi and Jitendouji)" porn.

Also, if I write historically accurate Lucia/Lawrence, God will strike me down. But I can't help it. The idea of showing an actual kind of depressing side of Lucia is kind of awe-inspiring to me. I mean, WOW.

shadow hearts, teh homogay, fandom

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