My sister deleted my Xenosaga save data, but I got Xenosaga II and the movie DVD, so I watched then end of that instead. Now I am all caught up for XS2. Jin, baby, here I come!
In the meantime, have some Shion.
Shion is in love with a robot.
It's mostly her own fault; her feelings for Kevin transferred themselves onto his creation, who is, after all, in the shape of an attractive woman. And KOS-MOS certainly isn't an ordinary robot. Her AI is almost unparalleled by modern technology, and with a little brushing up, her mind could easily be mistaken for that of a combat Realian.
Unfortunately, it's all an illusion, and (in her mind) a cruel one. At least an ordinary robot doesn't give you the impression it has feelings.
Deep down, Shion knows she wants very much to believe that KOS-MOS is a concious being. That's why she has to be so careful. She knows all about projection, and she doesn't want personal opinions to get in the way of her job. It would be unfair to everyone, including herself, to assume that there is more to her than meets the eye.
So, although she tries her best to be polite and friendly, she also tries very hard not to think of KOS-MOS as anything more than a cleverly designed computer.
And when she sees behavior that might confirm her deepest desires, she dismisses it as her imagination.