Life! And other random acts of God.

Apr 07, 2004 09:49

Zombie Tennis in the house tomorrow! We're going out to lunch in *style.* With matching outfits, even. Go us.

Kakashi has just shown up in the Jiangshi fic.

So, apparently, John Ashcroft wants to ban pornography in the States. In celebration of this fact, a Read or Deam drabble!

"Ma-nee!" Anita shouted, cheeks going red. She made another grab for the letter. "Mi-nee! Give that back!"

Maggie wasn't a nosy person by nature. She was happy that her little sister had made a good friend like Hisami, and she really had no intention of reading the letter.

Unfortunately, Michelle didn't share her views. "What's yours is ours, Anita-chan!" the oldest sister called cheerfully, unfolding the letter and beginning to read out loud. "Dear Anita, how are you? I'm glad you liked reading Dracula..."

Anita flushed even more. "Don't read it! It's mine, okay!?"

"I wrote a story today. What do you think?..."

"Stop it!"

"As Anita and Hisami walked home from school one day, their eyes caught on the brightly glistening grass in the park. They decided to..."

Anita buried her face in her hands and groaned. "Please!"

As Michelle scanned over the rest of the letter, her face turned as red as Anita's. She was temporarily struck dumb. "Well," she managed, "um... Anita-chan..."

Maggie peered over her shoulder at the letter. "Tell her," she said after a moment of blushing and swallowing heavily in her throat, "she's very good with adjectives."

anime, fic

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