And now for something completely different:

Apr 04, 2004 22:03

What happens when Rachel decides she won't go to bed until she has written at least a drabble.

She still has trouble believing her world is real. Everything that has happened to her since she entered Lillian seems like something out of a dream; a sepia-toned photograph that will fade and tear before long. When Sachiko touches her (and oh, how she touches her), she has to pinch herself to know for sure that she's not asleep anymore.

Therefore, when she walks in on Kashiwagi Suguru doing things to her brother that she would rather not repeat in polite company, it takes her a moment or two to register that they're not *actually* pro-wrestling on the bedroom floor.

Later, as he tries to alternately yell at her for not knocking and explain to her that it's okay and plead to her not to tell mom and dad, she feels vaguely ashamed that her first impulse was to cheer and do a little dance.

(Okay, fine, I know it sucks. I just wanted to be able to say that I wrote the first MariMite yaoi fic in English. Take that, suckers!)

anime, teh homogay, fic

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