JE Fan Survey

Dec 12, 2007 10:26

the finished project can be found here!

blah blah blah stats project blah blah

Please answer these questions in a comment below.
1. What is your age?
2. Which is your favorite JE group?
3. Which is your least favorite JE group?
4. Which is your favorite JE idol?
5. How long have you been a JE fan? (in months or years, if possible)

wow, five easy questions! Please help me out. I am sorry I am going to crosspost this to like every community ):

(I am going to compare age v. time in fandom, and am also interested in if older fans tend to like older groups. etc etc.)

WOW GUYS. Thanks for your responses. I was looking for like 150. or something. 244 is WOW.
I know a lot of people said that they were interested in the results, so I'll post up stuff this weekend. (The project is due on Tuesday.) Thank you for letting me crosspost everywhere! For now, I don't need any more responses, but thank you to everybody for being so cooperative!

But I don't know how to stop comments for now-- I put 'disable' and gave myself a heart attack because I thought that I lost all the comments? But I'm good on responses now (:

In addressing issues people brought up: yes, I'm really afraid that I won't have enough fans of older groups. the comms i posted to were johnnys_ent, news_jpop, kattunlove, arashi_on, smapxsmap, tanokin, and victory6. so i didn't really reach the hey!say! crowd, T&T, TOKIO or Kinki, but w/e. hah that looks pretty bad when I say it like that. But yes. I also kind of think there are more fans of the younger groups out there anyway, and this is really dealing with online fans, and it's not that serious? And someone said that it wasn't a good idea because there will be voluntary response bias. Well yes, I know that, and my professor knows that because I put it in my project proposal and it was still approved. So it won't be a problem and this is getting tl;dr dies dies

update// so i finished compiling age, favorite group and months in fandom (i had to drop the others for the sake of time; i wasn't planning to use them in the project anyway) and wtf. 271 responses, from here and choscandalous. wow. i will continue to work on this project this weekend, but for now? sleeeeeeep.

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