Tiana Wasp-Queen Bee Challenge-Wallace Kids 0-4 (or 7-10)

Aug 15, 2010 10:28

Yeah, the pics are freaking huge for this one update. Sorry :S
Warning:Crude humour, underwear clad aliens/robots, child neglect, mating and mild language :).

Tadaa! Tiana's new makeover! I gave her new eyeshadow, maternity meshed clothing, and a new hairstyle. It also included a minor house makeover, as you'll see in future pictures, a new aspiration (family; her new LTW is hall famer), and a new man, as you'll see ;).

Ehh? Why is this pic small...oh nevermind.
This is Wallace, and from now on will be called Wall-E by me, okay :)?

Darn ACR. One of the first things they did was break in the couch.

I also made Tiana get a little puppy! I want them to have one or two, but one is staying with Tiana.

The puppy's name is Pokey, and she's a girl.

Pokey: Oh noo! Wall-E! Save me from this physco woman!
Tiana: Oooh! Pretty, pretty, puppy!

Stalker cam for pregnancy nausea!

Pokey (I keep typing Poket, and sometimes Pocket lol) is so cuuuute! Do love! It's also really cute when the puppies and kittens go on the pet bes, because it's HUGE on them :D

I never noticed, but Wall-E has ELF EARS!

Oh fudgsicles. He's a sloppy sim. I hate them. Actually, I can't stand to be by a sim who's eating in general...or painting. The sounds are my styrofoam :S

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the first robber I've had in around a year.

Robber: He he he, what shall I steal??
Um, nothing in here's really of value...Just sayin'. The most expensive thing is the playground..
Robber: *entirely oblivious to blaring alarm*

Before he could steal anything, Officer Cheekbones arrived! Yaay!

Inside, the robber FINALLY noticed the friggin alarm.
Robber: NOOO! Why me?! GRR! Every single house! I can't catch a break!
Um, why not get an actual job?
Robber: And get outta show business?

Officer: *punch punch punch* Oh yeah! You're going dowwnn!
Robber: RAWR! *tackle*
It was pretty funny to watch!

Wall-E:Oh no, ohhh no. Not the new hardwood floor! Tiana's gonna be PISSED.
Tiana was entirely oblivious to all the ruckus; she just slept through it.

Yup, Officer Cheekbones won. And Pokey just got up.

Oh, maybe Tiana did notice the robbery and fight!

Um..Nope. Nevermind. She didn't notice. She's just pregnant :-)

Bump picture

Ugh..Tiana is now one of THOSE pregnant sims :S.
I could hardly keep her alive.

Um, I'm not sure why I took this picture.
Is it Tiana facepalming? Her hair impaling her chest?

Bump #2!


Tiana:Lol, look. I hit a waterline. Hihihi!
Stray: Omg, what an idiot...
That dog practically lives here :S...

Wall-E:Aww, a puppy!
Poor Pokey..

Baby time!

Uhh Tiana? This is your seventh child I'm pretty sure you should know by now how to hold one..

It's a girl! As it's the K litter, I named her Kambridge :3

Twins! Another girl. Her name is Kassanova. Yeah, it's from Casanova;male, but I thought it was a girl's name at first :S..

Wall-E immediatly earns awesome points by putting Kambridge into her crib automatically!

Tiana loses awesome points by putting Kassanova on the ground. Right beside her crib.

Do the Thriller, Kassie! Do the Thiller as you scream, writhe around, soil yourself, and piss off Kamie!

I don't remember which baby this is, but it looks like she's picking her nose XD

Yay! Pokey grew up!
Look at those ears!

Oh Tiana. Will you ever learn?

I also got them another puppy!
Wall-E:Come here sweetheart :D
Puppy:SAVE me Kassanova!

It's a boy, and his name is Bear. And he's adorable :D

Lol, sibling rivalry begins early!

I just found this picture cute :)

I just realized the plus sign...
Getting friendlier with your body, Tiana?

SECONDS after moaning about nausea, she popped into her first (or third) bump!

Bear grew up, too! I don't know which one I like more...

Tiana likes Bear more, while Wall-E likes Pokey more..

It's (finally) time for Kassanova (I keep on typing Casanova dammit!) and Kambridge's birthdays!

Wall-E here is holding Kambridge.
Wall-E, dear, it's your daughters' birthday. Could you be any more enthused?

And, Tiana is holding Kassanova. But she doesn't care about her daughter being close to candles. No siree. She sees Bear.

OMG so cute. Lovelovelovelovelove. This is Kambridge, and I looooove her hair. You'll see better pics of her later.

Kassanova and Kambridge pretty much look the same, except Kassie has robot eyes.
AND they both have elf ears :D

See? Twins XD.

With the night ahead, it was time to start skilling >:D

Kassanova does NOT look pleased.

LOL at Kassie's face.
Wall-E: C'mon, sweeheart! Let's learn to walk!
Kassanova:NO! OH, HECK NO!
She eventually learned.

Meanwhile, Kambridge is just confused.

Kambridge:To eat, or not to eat, that is the question.
Eat what?
Kambridge: Thy booger.
NOT to eat!
Kambridge:Too late om nom nom nom :D

Ooohh, Kammie's heartless. Doesn't even have a thingamajigabob.
She got one later on, though.

POP! Plus pee stain from Bear :S

AW! Cool! I never knew sims could fling food to the dogs!

I got new maternity underwear and PJs, so I sent Tiana out to get them :D

Out there, she ate a meal with Mary Smith (wife of Johnny Smith and one of my many simself's siblings (Mary,Sarah,Isaac (a girl..it had a boy symbol when I named her), Cassandra and Hunter)) and she wouldn't stop babbling on how my simself got married twice (one to a guy named Glen (the werewolf) and once to a guy named Gareth (I think. Also a werewolf. My simself is also a werewolf.) and also how I adopted a kid (Allison) and how I had lots of kids (with Glen: Allison, Brandi,Jaymie (in previous update), Valerie, Morgan, Devon, and some other kid.(Derek, maybe? No..) Forgot his name :S, and with Gareth: Anna and Jack).
Tiana:Um..great, Mary. I'm kinda busy now, so..
Mary:AND Gareth's and Kitty's wedding was BEAUTIFUL! That's what I call her: Kitty! She doesn't mind though, and she's a werewolf/vampire hybrid. She's on youtube! It was at night, and all her kids, and my two eldest, and Johnny, and all my sisters and brothers and in laws and Mom and Dad came, and--
She's a bit nuts.
AND, I just realized that Tiana's new clothes lack shoes...

Good job, Tiana. You let Kammie go hungry AND pass out through a wall.
Actually, Tiana JUST fed Kambridge. It was in the green.

So cute...

I just realized how awesome Bear's tail was.

Pet Woohoo!
(and Tiana stalking through a window)

Kassanova: Hey, my half-brother Wilfrid drew a picture! And it sucks!
HEY! Wilfrid was my favorite of that bunch!

You guys are best friends...
Kambridge:She won't shut up. I'm trying to sleep.
This is like the evil bunch XD.

Pokey, as much as I love you, you are a freaking idiot. Go sleep in the house.

Kambridge watches you sleep.
Ceiling cat watches you woohoo.

See? She's adorable, but such a creeper..

Tiana:Um, WHY is Kambridge here?!
Ahh, who knows.
Kambridge:Because I love you, Mommy!
Tiana: go on, sweetie. Bug your sister.

Baby time! And Genesis Lam, their maid, is watching!

MORE twins?! Darn family benifit!
It's a boy and a girl.
The youngest, a girl, is named Kassondra.

And the oldest twin, Kasey.
Boy, Kasey, not a girl.

Genesis: Hi Wallace! I saw your children born!
Well, thats a good pick-up line*..
(* never mind, I just realized Genesis was lesbian)
I will leave you off as is (this time for real), and I'll put the other parts up afterwards.

queen bee

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