Title: The Proposal. Who: R/J Rating: R A/N: Because sometimes Thalia calls me while she's driving and gives me plot bunnies. Spoilers for the end of Rhythm of Life if you haven't finished it yet.
perfect proposal, perfect everything, especially perfect part involving a kitchen island :P i think thanks to you and thalia half of my decisions with respect to interior decoration are made hoping that they will result in lots of smut :PPP needless to say, i ADORE this and now must go and read all the rest of ballroom to see how the hell j and r ended up here...
Comments 6
I love the detail about the morning moan, it's just...I don't know.
And cold pancakes!
And she can be vulnerable with him!
Smuffy R/J... my favorite. :D
Also, '“What d’ya say we get married?” he asked' is my favorite proposal ever. It's very Ryan Gosling in the Notebook.
I'm glad you likes!!! <3
YOU SPOILED YOURSELF BAMF! asghjkahgajhga DAMMIT I SAID IT WAS SPOILERS! (that wouldn't have stopped me either... I'm just sayin') :P
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