Title: Lost Without You (Epilogue)
hisnibletsPairing: OB/BB, mentions of BB/DM
Rating: NC-17 for the series.
Summary: Orlando receives some devastating news and does his best to deal with it
Feedback: Feedback is my writers crack, which is not to be confused at all with plumbers crack.
Banner: By the amazing and talented
loki_girlAuthors Notes: In
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Comments 5
I see you used Dom's latest *cough* photoshoot *cough* as inspiration. He really DOES look his age in those photos.
Kudos to Billy for standing up for himself and what he believes in - he sees Dom now for what he truly is, and knows he can do better
I did, and really without being snarky, I don't think that shoot was terribly kind to him. My first thought when I saw it? He looks more Billy's age than Billy does.
And yes LWY!Billy knows he can and has done better.
And while I'm here I don't think I've said it before. Thank you for commenting hon. I've cherished having your comments with every chapter and want you to know how much I appreciate it.
As for the feedback, it's my pleasure. I know how important feedback is for a writer, both as a gauge of readership and an outlet for constructive criticism. I try to make a point of commenting as often as possible, especially with longer fics.
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