Title: Lost Without You (22/24)
hisnibletsPairing: OB/BB, mentions of BB/DM
Rating: NC-17 for the series, NC-17 for this chapter.
Summary: Orlando receives some devastating news and does his best to deal with it
Feedback: Feedback is my writers crack, which is not to be confused at all with plumbers crack.
Banner: By the amazing and
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Comments 2
1. “You’d want to adopt. For me?” Billy looked up into Orlando’s face.
“No.” Orlando answered, “For us.” - Orlando is all about sharing and equality and he is constantly having to break down Billy's ideas of what a relationship is all about.
2. “Absolutely. I’ve put a mark next to some of the little ones I think we would be good for.” - Orlando knows how to approach adoption with the right attitude. It's about the children and what they need, not about what the parents need.
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