~Entry 3~

Jun 28, 2009 09:28

Hey, has anyone seen a dragon around here? Yes, I had to ask, Alexi...

Uh.. I mean, how is everyone? ♥

I decided the other day that I want to become a Scavenger. Sure, I don't want to grub around in the dirt, but there's definitely a plus side to being a Scavenger. That being the things that can be found, of course! The money's really nice, too! ( Read more... )

*bubbles, ~alexi, blond diva?, *ace, feeling pretty, it's not about the money, totally metal, ~bridge, *west

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~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 28 2009, 23:31:11 UTC
[Ace waits in the middle of the Marketplace in some nice, clean clothes, waiting for Pinky. He didn't know what she looked like, but he was quite positive she was hot. She'd probably recognize his confident, unique personality anyways. He looks at the sky, judging the time geniously.]

I might be a little early anyways... Oh well, girls like enthusiasm right?

[He beams brightly at himself.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 28 2009, 23:37:33 UTC
[Pinky shows up, wearing the pretty pink dress that Bubbles gave her as well as a pair of cute shoes, with her hair perfectly styled and looking quite pretty herself. She looks around her, not entirely sure who to look for, but after a few minutes, spots someone standing by himself looking like the cat who ate the canary.]

I'm guessing that's him. This would be so much easier (and less embarrassing) if I knew what he looked like.

[She shrugs, and walks over.] Hey, are you Ace?


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 28 2009, 23:44:48 UTC
[Ace blinks in surprise and turns around to see a stunning chic standing in front of him. Ace put on his broadest grin and approached the gorgeous blonde.]

That's me! You must be Pinky? I can tell, because you're absolutely beautiful.

[Ah, that was so clever!]


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 28 2009, 23:47:21 UTC
[Pinky laughed at Ace's line, not sure whether she was amused at his 'smoothness' or the line itself.]

Yeah, I'm Pinky, and you must be pretty good if you can tell who a girl is just by looking at her.

So, where are we going?


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 28 2009, 23:56:58 UTC
[He could feel his heart quicken. Even her laugh was cute! What a great catch!]

Oh, I don't know! I didn't really look around to see what kind of places to eat there are around here... I know there is a bar and a bakery, though!


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 00:06:04 UTC
All right, well, do you want to wander around until we find them?

[Pinky hoped Ace would lead, since she had no idea where anything was, having been to the marketplace just once.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 29 2009, 00:11:09 UTC
Well we might as well!

[He put out his hand for her to take.]

It'll be fun! I mean I haven't been here for long, but I know there's all sorts of stuff to do. If anything there are a couple shops around here, I know you'd like.


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 00:14:38 UTC
Okay, then!

[She takes his hand, after a tiny two-second pause.]

Well, lead the way, Ace! I'll go wherever you think is good.


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 29 2009, 00:31:07 UTC
[They walk for a little bit, and then Ace stops dramatically, seeming to sniff the air.]

Ooh, I smell something good. Oh yeah! There's a noodle stand around here!

[He looks to the side of him and spots the Udon stand, then makes a line for it while holding Pinky's hand. Cheap! Tastey! What more could he ask for?]


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 00:33:57 UTC
[Pinky also stops to sniff the air, and smiles.]

That smells so good! Let's go!

[She grinned at his enthusiasm, and followed his lead. This "date" was off to a great start! They reached the noodle stand, and she waited for him to order.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 29 2009, 00:38:45 UTC
[The two of them reached the stand in record time and sat down immediately. The person behind the counter seemed surprised at their sudden appearance, but Ace even already new what he wanted.]

I'll have an extra-salty Udon bowl please! And for the Lady...?

[He drifted off so that Pinky could do her own ordering.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 00:48:38 UTC
[Pinky scanned the pictures of different udon varieties that were displayed on the counter, and finally chose one that looked good.]

I'll have the one with the poached egg on top, please.

[She really had no idea exactly how that would taste but it did look good, so she just went with it.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 29 2009, 00:53:16 UTC
[The man nodded to the both of them and went to prepare their dishes. Ace turned to beam at Pinky.]

Nice choice! You sound so classy, and here I am just getting regular...

[He leaned forward on his hand and gave her a charming smile.]

So you want to tell me a little about yourself? How are you liking Edensphere so far?


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 00:59:37 UTC
Oh, haha.. I'm not trying to be classy. I haven't eaten very much of this stuff, you know.

[She returned his smile with a grin, and thought about his question.]

Well, there isn't much to tell, because of the.. you know.. having no memories thing. But other than that, I love it here. I've made some great friends, like Bubbles and Alexi. And, hey, I even got to go on a date!

[She giggled and brushed a few stray hairs out of her eyes.]


Re: ~Quicklog~ fail_pilot June 29 2009, 01:09:15 UTC
[His heart made a little pitter-patter. So many things about her was so cute! Ace couldn't help but grin goofilly at her.]

Oh! Bubbles is a nice lady. She let me go to the Ball earlier this month for free, as long as I bounced a little bit! It was awesome. You weren't here for that right?


Re: ~Quicklog~ sassyandpink June 29 2009, 01:15:30 UTC
[Pinky's smiles turned to pouts when she heard this. If anything bothered her at all, it was the fact that she'd missed Bubbles' ball.]

It's not fair! Well, I mean, I obviously couldn't choose when to come here, but I really wish I hadn't missed it!! It sounded like so much fun, and Bubbles really put a lot of work into it!

There needs to be another one sometime....


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