Aug 20, 2010 22:50

To celebrate Misha's Castiel's birthday, and to keep this community as alive as possible while we wait for the new season, I demand we have a Sassy comment fic meme! *confetti and sparkles*

So go ahead and post what you want to see written - birthday-ish or not, maybe something just about Sam or just about Cas (maybe more about Cas, since it's his day?)... and yes, maybe something not for children, too. :D

Bring the cake and sparkles and pen and paper and let's get this thing cracking! ♥

Let's all say it - Happy Birthday, Cas! ♥

Mods, feel free to kick me if this is illegal. *looks around with puppy eyes*

my heart belongs to sassy_otp, sassy lives in harmony harmony

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