Title: Life
sassy_lion Beta:
lady_marna Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Rose, Sierra, mentions of the Doctor
Word count: 100
Summary: She wasn't afraid. She'd lived a long life.
Warnings: Character Death, takes place approx 75 years after Journey's End
Notes: Just a drabble that I wrote at work, while a bit bored. Any comments are love!
Rose drew her last breath, holding it momentarily to savour it. She'd known a long time it'd be her last. The Wolf in her heart had told her.
She wasn't afraid. She'd lived a long life. One hundred years, she'd fought and friended aliens, enjoyed years with the Doctor, her children, family and friends.
Exhaling softly, Rose felt herself race across the stars, a golden wolf keeping pace next to her.
"Sierra Tyler Moon," a voice spoke against the blinding bright light.
Sierra rounded a corner, narrowly missing the pulse blast. She felt a large hand slip around hers.