There is a proposed law by the Bush administration that would allow doctors to refuse to give abortions or sterilizations (just female, as far as I can tell) based on moral or religious objections.
Hereis the proposed rule. Not the draft, mind - the actual rule
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Comments 24
My parents were just trying to tell me yesterday that nothing like this was going to happen; it's just noise from the extremists. They're conservatives, and were unhappy when I said I am probably not voting for McCain - partly for this reason, as it's the one solid political item that I have strong feelings and knowledge about.
You got one thing on the money: one way to stop this is to change the party in control of the executive branch. McCain would probably support the regulation; Obama for sure would oppose it.
Or you could … pick another doctor, just as if it were a free market. Which it is.
There is nothing so broken that government intervention can’t fuck it up worse, and that includes (maybe primordially) medical care. Your objection to government interfering with a doctor choosing what services to render is just as harmful, if not moreso, than banning the procedures. Why? Because if women truly care about the control of their own bodies, if it’s really an issue they give a shit about, then they can and will choose OBGYN’s that provide that service. And the ones that don’t provide that service will suffer a loss of profit. If it’s sufficient enough, they’ll go out of business and the market, actively, will have chosen without question what services they’re willing to support.
On the other hand, if enough women do care enough about such things but differently than you, those doctors who publically state they won’t perform those procedures will do just fine, as will the doctors that do them. And then everyone will have a choice.
Not ( ... )
I don't consider myself the left or the right, either - much to my parents' dismay tonight as they tried talking politics with me (they're republicans).
If a teen wants it without their parents to know, they’ve got a whole different set of laws and rules to go by, not the least being whether or not the doctor has a legal responsibility to inform the legal caretakers and thus those both responsible for their care and ongoing support. That’s wholly unrelated to your point and is really more an issue for supporting more doctors in rural areas, or evacuating people from absolute shiteholes. But neither of them are the business of the State.
I think Eric the Half-Bee’s settled on describing me as an anarcho-fascist, but what he really means is a Pure Objectivist, philosophically.
If there are enough women in an area wanting a service, there’s economic and social pressure to provide that to them. It’s not instant and it’s not magic. What you seem to want is for the medical profession to be ready to do whatever you want them to at whatever point and under whatever rules you deem just. And cheaply. No market in the world works that way, least one where the State’s already got their little ( ... )
Men aren't always willing to get snip-snipped though, from what I've heard. =p
Yeeeeeeeeeah, that's the problem. X)
Of course, the adoption process is a pain in the ass and incredibly expensive too... That could use some work. =/
Haha yeah, men don't like sharp things near their important bits...
if you don't want a kid, don't have unprotected sex, be on birth control and you have very low odds of ending up with a baby...and if you do end up with pregnant, wow, you had sex, you shouldn't be shocked.
i think people need to decide if it's worth the risk for them.
but i firmly believe that it is enough for me to say i wouldn't have an abortion..if other people want to i suppose that is their decision. doesn't mean i have to respect them though.
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