Oh-chan, according to the boys [Kazama Shunsuke]

Jul 07, 2016 13:21

Title: Oh-chan, according to the boys [Kazama Shunsuke]
Genre: General, friendship, non AU
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction.
Summary: Other Johnny's talents and their interactions with Ohno.


Shunsuke, Kazama

Oh-chan is an observer, not a talker, he realizes. Oh-chan, if given the choice, will invariably stand half a step behind him on the Bank Bowling stage and do nothing but blink obsequiously at the flimsy floorboards under their feet.

“You’re handsome, Kazama! Handsome! Handsome!”

The other four start the catcalls, and Kazama Shunsuke sighs. He really needs to get used to the rowdiness of these variety shows. Instinctively, his gaze sweeps sideways and he steals a glance at his bowling partner, hoping that that mysterious senpai he had never quite gotten to know is doing something interesting so the cameras can spare him the embarrassment of yet another close-up, especially with this ridiculous pompadour on his head (which Nino had totally bullied him into sporting while Aiba just giggled into his smoothie like an idiot; some friend he was! Kazama was still mildly indignant).

Ohno is staring into space, hunched over, one hand holding his elbow behind his back, and the little blemish on his right cheek more prominent than ever as his eyelids and lips both droop into dopey lines.

Kazama knows better-he’s a Johnny’s after all-but at times like this, he really finds it hard to believe that this is the leader of the super popular Arashi.


ohno, kazama

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