How to say "I love you".

Nov 03, 2007 19:43

A friend posted a challenge based on Paul Ford's essay, How To Say I Love You. Her challenge was to write a ficlet based on one of the items, but I decided to make my own Pilots list. I originally posted it to my LJ, but I'm reposting it here because I'd LOVE for y'all to either add to the list, do Lee's version, or write some ficlets. Though mine sticks to canon, feel free to imagine the future or jump off from another moment in the series. I think we could all use heaps of Pilotlove right now, yes?

ETA: And since the original list included photos and video, screencaps are definitely welcome here!

This one's for bop_radar, because she says she often worries about Kara's love for Lee. So, here are thirty-three ways that Kara told Lee she loved him, even if she didn't say the words.

(1) When that idiot Narcho updates the rosters on the whiteboard, you quickly correct his misspelling because "Apolo" looks too much like "Apola", an old Geminese word for aardvark.

(2) Following his orders, then telling him know later - outside of command earshot - exactly what you thought of them, and knowing he'll protest but never punish.

(3) Flying his wing and (4) backing him up when the Cylons show up out of nowhere. (5) Letting him get off that last kill, even though you had the better shot. (6) Going through his post-flight checklist after he's taken out ten raiders and looks even more exhausted than you are.

(7) Telling him that his plan sucks and that he could get himself killed.

(8) Teasing that you're going to kick his ass when you lace up your gloves and get ready to spar.

(9) Never going easy on him.

(10) When he finally wins a triad hand, you grumble, "Cheater," along with a wink.

(11) Collapsing into him as the blue fades from your face and you can breathe again.

(12) Reminiscing with him about Zak, (13) and knowing when it's not a good time to mention what you'd had with his brother.

(14) "Kara Thrace loves Lee Adama!"

(15) "Lee Adama loves me."

(16) "There's nothing here. Nothing."

(17) "Yeah, it was my idea."

(18) "So, where does that leave us?"

(19) "I couldn't have done it better myself."

(20) "I'll see you on the other side."

(21) On New Caprica, he kisses you for the first (real) time, thumbs brushing across your cheeks. You know what he hasn't said, what he probably will say soon. You shiver. Everything's a challenge with him, so you want to be the first to say it. Get the upper hand and really surprise him. You want to push him down onto the grass, pulse racing and lips and teeth and nails. To make this more comfortable. Easier. But he pulls back and looks at you, lips parted and eyes wide. He's always been gorgeous, but now he's beautiful. He says the Gods' names and then yours. He looks happy. No challenge anymore, just that smile on his face and his hands on yours. So you let him kiss you again. Sweetly.

(22) When you can't take your eyes off him as he steps out of the shower, dripping and flushed, and you don't bother looking away. Yeah, maybe that one is lust, but there's something else underneath and you know it.

(23) Telling Sam you don't want a real marriage. With him.

(24) Wishing him and Dee all the best. (25) Meaning every word.

(26) You stand on Kobol and stare up at Earth's stars, and you reach for his hand.

(27) You tell him you understand why he couldn’t be there when you were supposed to pull a bullet through Cain's head. You don't tell him that you really, really needed him right then.

(28) Congratulating him on his promotion to Commander, even though you know just how much you're going to miss him.

(29) The two of you sit under a viper wing. You're falling apart at the seams, and you both know it. He says he'll fly your #2, and then he just looks at you. You've lost him too many times and maybe never even had him to begin with. You've only said "I love you" once. That look on his face makes you want to say it again. But you have this strange-scary feeling that you won't come back this time, and you can't leave him with that. You know what it'd do to him, hearing it then losing you in the next breath. All you can do is stare back at him and hope he understands.

(30) Two days after the worlds have been destroyed, he reaches for your hand and smiles, and he was supposed to be dead but he's not and you want to laugh and scream even though fourteen billion people are dead but he's here. So you take his hand and let him pull you up and make stupid jokes and think maybe you can get through this after all.

(31) He's the first person you see when you come back from death, and (32) the first one you touch when you're alive and whole and back home. (33) While everyone else wants to shoot you or hug you or just stand and stare, you hold onto his arm and feel like you could move all the mountains on Earth.


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