I've been down in Florida for a month now and there's been good and bad going on. The vise-like grip RP has had on my brain seems to be settling down and allowing me to balance and think about fanfic again (after what, 7 months? *shame*). Hah, I bet no one even remembers me
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So, I haven't updated in a while. A long while. *tears* I know it may feel like I've abandoned my LJ, or my fandoms, or my pairing (heavens no!), but I assure you that it's not the case.
Comment on this post and I'll give you a letter (unless you tell me you don't want one). List 10 persons/things you love that start with the respective letter.
Title: Precious Things Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Claim: Conrad Weller/Shibuya Yuuri Set: #11 Prompt: Blue Word Count: 1,033 Rating: PG Summary: A quiet conversation between Conrad and his king.
Title: Must Be the Heat Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Claim: Conrad Weller/Shibuya Yuuri Set: #11 Prompt: Red Word Count: 630 Rating: PG Summary: Yuuri is stuck inside on a hot day in Shin Makoku.
This is my first entry in KKM fiction. The prompts were found with a random word generator, and the sentences range from sappy to cute to sap again. Rated PG. Contains some spoilers.
Title: Guardian Fandom: Saiyuki Claim: Koumyou Sanzo and Kouryuu Set: #3 Prompt: Midnight Word Count: 752 Rating: PG Summary: Kouryuu's nightmares. Notes: This is my last prompt for this claim set. It's a bit more angst than fluff, but only because Kouryuu had to grow up. >.>