Unfortunately the subject is not really my metier, and with the bits and crumbs of writing time I'm getting, I'm doubting I'd be able to create a finished, polished work by the deadline (as opposed to a pile of pieces that could be assembled into a story if I could just get one solid block of time to work them together). I'm hoping that I'll get a break sometime next month so I can rewrite a story in time for a contest deadline, but it may have to wait until next year.
Comments 2
Unfortunately the subject is not really my metier, and with the bits and crumbs of writing time I'm getting, I'm doubting I'd be able to create a finished, polished work by the deadline (as opposed to a pile of pieces that could be assembled into a story if I could just get one solid block of time to work them together). I'm hoping that I'll get a break sometime next month so I can rewrite a story in time for a contest deadline, but it may have to wait until next year.
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