Wow, yes, it is long. Scanning through it, I'm interested to see that it spends a lot of time talking about the significance of pairings and sexuality--but also spends a lot of time talking about homage creation, etc. Both those things are really important to fanfiction as we know it today, though in a way it seems to me strange that that's the way things evolved--that the sex/relationship element came to be so integral. Or always was? (I suppose I should read the piece rather than just scanning)
I think it always was--when I think of the gender-bending twists and turns in Ariosto, for example, and some of the weirder Arthuriana, I am convinced it was always there. And women were a huge part of it (Christine de Pisan!) though their work was overlooked by the men who spoke to one another through their literature--and who controlled print.
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