What We Do in the Shadows movie rec

Dec 27, 2015 16:55

So I won Yuletide and got TWO awesome WWDitS fics, yay!

Nice Jerseys and Other Adventures in Knitting
Basically, Deacon loves knitting, Anton and Stu and the other werewolves could do with more jerseys that don't tear apart when transforming a little, and the Ravelry forums get another passionate member.

The Hairy-Handed Gentlemen Who Run Amuck Read more... )

fic recs, vampires, werewolves, movie recs, yuletide

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Comments 9

ranua December 27 2015, 23:05:17 UTC
the movie looks hilarious I may just have to track it down to watch. Is it on Netflix or hulu?


sarren December 28 2015, 01:16:32 UTC
I have no idea, sorry. My bff pimped it to me and I got it on dvd for my birthday. I hope you can watch it :)


zebra363 December 28 2015, 02:48:19 UTC
Your first link is to a YouTube clip, FYI


sarren December 28 2015, 02:55:18 UTC
Oops, thanks for letting me know, fixed.


zebra363 December 28 2015, 03:15:48 UTC
I was using your post as a handy launch point to get to the Yuletide collection.


nuvolanera December 28 2015, 17:05:48 UTC
I'm adding this one to the list of movies to watch before the end of this holidays season! *g*


sarren December 28 2015, 23:19:32 UTC
Yay, it is so much fun:)


nuvolanera December 29 2015, 22:09:45 UTC
I've seen it!!!!!!!! I started LOLling 10 seconds in and never stopped until the credits. Beautiful, hilarious and perfect from start to finish! *g*


sarren December 31 2015, 01:41:08 UTC
YAY, i successfully shared some awesomeness :) Given it's from NZ, not much chance of the rest of the world finding about it without some serious fannish word of mouth.


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