Anime recs for kids?

Sep 14, 2014 10:32

Bunny has seen a couple of episodes of Swort Art Online and is very...passionate... about my acquiring the show for her, because it's AWESOME. Apparently ( Read more... )

anime, bunny, being a parent is hard

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Comments 13

swordznsorcery September 14 2014, 15:32:36 UTC
I know very little about anime I'm afraid, barring what used to air late at night here in the nineties (which likely wouldn't be suitable). This subject did come up a while ago in a forum where I hang out though, and a lot of people recommended "Supernatural: The Anime Series", and a film called "Journey To Agartha".

As to the one that you're worried about, is it possible for you to find the relevant episode somewhere, and view it yourself first? I don't think it's at all unreasonable for you to worry about what your child watches - watching a TV series is different to reading after all, as it tends to be more graphic.


sarren September 15 2014, 09:56:29 UTC
Were those recs for teens, though, I mean SPN is too adult for her?

I will try to find that ep, it's a good idea, thanks.


swordznsorcery September 15 2014, 23:39:20 UTC
I had no idea SPN was a grown up show! People were talking about their kids, yes, but I suppose there's a big gap between a younger teen and an older one. It's an awkward age, isn't it.


sarren September 15 2014, 23:52:04 UTC
Yeah, I think my favourite 'oh gods no' scene in SPN is the one where a dude gets his arm caught in a possessed garbage disposal unit. It's a gory show. I know there's a difference between cartoon violence and realistic - my mate was telling me the other day about how his 10 year old son can't watch anything graphic AT ALL but happily watches plays and watches videos of some game which sounds like it's literally just people shooting each other with high powered weapons. But I'm still not keen on too many adult concepts for Bunny yet. They grow up too soon....


neery September 14 2014, 20:48:09 UTC
It's weird how anime is supposed to be a children's genre, and yet most of the anime I've loved I really couldn't recommend to anyone's children in good conscience. I mean, Fullmetal Alchemist scarred me for life, never mind a kid. (It's so good, though!)


sarren September 14 2014, 23:36:47 UTC
I forgot to mention that I've seen Legend of Korra (with Bunny) and FMA which I got into cos I'd read Ed/Roy fic. I defnitely wasn't planning on showing Bunny that for a couple of years...

I've just remembered watching Star Blazers when I was a kid, I wonder if it's too dated now - does anime date?


cactusonastair September 14 2014, 20:49:26 UTC
I watch anime. Most I watched are problematic somewhere. For example, Naruto, which is where a lot of people start, has a gag about "Kancho" among the first few episodes. One Piece, which I otherwise adore, tends to sideline its female characters and make them excessively voluptuous. (Having said that, the main female characters are arguably the strongest characters mentally in terms of what they've overcome.) Recently, I've been watching Detective Conan (which was dubbed as Case Closed, but I always watch subbed anime so I can pick up some Japanese) and I've been enjoying that. It's weekly (rather bloody) murder mysteries that require some ingenious deduction to solve. But all these are very long, as in hundreds of episodes long ( ... )


sarren September 20 2014, 02:46:28 UTC
Awesome, thank you so much!


kbpenguin September 24 2014, 04:07:02 UTC is a manga and anime set in a high school; it's cute and funny. Weird, too, but fun ( ... )


sarren September 25 2014, 12:03:19 UTC
Awesome, thank you. Yes, not too violent or sexual, thanks!


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