Epic couple of weeks in fandom for me! Can't really top a slash pairing becoming canon!

May 27, 2013 23:50

Person of Interest finale was brilliant and I got to watch it with a fan friend who drove 7 hours to bring it to me.

Supernatural finale was bloody epic, and rounded off a great plot arc.

Doctor Who, OMFG, one of fandom's great moments in that scene in the season finale, as I insisted on telling Neery who'd just made me lunch and brought it to me ( Read more... )

sethon, intensely focussed, yuletide, supernatural, actors, dr who, hp, slash, person of interest

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Comments 3

pionie May 28 2013, 18:25:21 UTC
A slash pairing becomes canon - good for them!


tinnny July 7 2013, 07:26:55 UTC
Hee, I didn't know about that SNL thing, and even though the vid you linked has been taken down, I managed to see a few of the important scenes. Fun!

Also, of course I got sidetracked by all the related SNL links. //)


sarren July 7 2013, 08:09:25 UTC
you saw the finale one, right? that link still works for me...


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