Very short pimp post for HAVEN

May 09, 2012 07:34

Anyone recognise this dark-haired actress? She's shown up in Haven and it's driving me nuts where I've seen her before, but the imdb entry for the character has a different actress listed.

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haven, show rec, picspam

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Comments 4

wolkendunst May 9 2012, 17:44:54 UTC
I recently got into Haven. God, I love the OT3!

And how much do I LOVE the sensible clothes Audrey is wearing?! In a lot of shows you see female police officers/FBI agents tottering around on high heels. And as a viewer you keep thinking: Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!!

Audrey \o/


sarren May 10 2012, 11:14:06 UTC
Audrey is awesome! That's actually the one thing about Castle that does my head in. Beckett is absolutely fantastic, I heart her so much, and yet she chases killers in high heeled boots. Someone did actually mention it in the show once and she was all like, I can totally run in these, but ffs, what's to stop her heel breaking, or getting caught in grating.

To recap, Audrey is awesome and a fantastic dresser.

And I totally want that OTP, though, worryingly, they appear to be moving away from that in the first two eps of second season. I'm hoping it's a glitch.


ravenclaw_harpy May 10 2012, 01:02:06 UTC
Reckon you've pimped me! :)


sarren May 10 2012, 11:14:58 UTC
*rubs hands together* Exceelllennt.

Why is Sherlock growing out of John's head?


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