Jun 27, 2010 13:28


Edit: Spoilers in comments.

dr who

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Comments 4

mr_booboo June 27 2010, 05:42:55 UTC
I've been waiting for someone to post!

I love Eleven and I love Amy (little Amy and adult Amy) and I love Rory!

LOVE the dynamic and am so excited that his companions are married and love each other desperately. And I kind of like River too.


sarren June 27 2010, 05:58:41 UTC


Actually akire_yta has pretty much summed it all up the flail using actual words. I may have to just quote her in a whole nother post when I achieve some kind of coherence!!!!!!!!!

I liked River in The Library, went off her in the angels one cos I thought she was too smug, but am totally on board again and looking forward to more!

In conclusion best last line ever.

*smiling fondly at Rory and Amy* "We're on our way!"


angriest June 27 2010, 12:46:37 UTC
I still don't know what to say about it - I loved it, but then when I look at bits I loved (like Amy willing the Doctor back into existence) I find them very similar to bits in older season finales (like Martha getting everyone to will the Doctor back into existence) that I really, really disliked.

I think it's a question of tone. They've spent 13 weeks treating the show like a big fairy tale, so when the climax involves being a big fairy tale I don't mind so much.


sarren June 27 2010, 15:10:53 UTC
I really did not like story. Martha got to be seriously awesome for a year, for that crap.

I completely biasedly reckon this was totally more awesome, with the crack in time supercharging Amy, and the 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' memory aid.


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