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Comments 6

slashophile May 5 2009, 16:14:33 UTC
O_O Oh my GOSH. *ded of laugh* Man, had they Allies known in WWII that the Axis Powers could be brought down by Jell-o and Dream Whip topping (only 14 calories per tablespoon!), the War would have been 3 years shorter.

And what was Carol Channing doing there anyway? And did she ever escape from the random clothing rack?


sarren May 5 2009, 23:04:40 UTC
Maybe she's STILL THERE.

I love how the actors just play it as though it's an episode. I wonder if off air they were like, you have got to be kidding me!!! or if it was just a paycheck, you know?


slashophile May 6 2009, 07:09:34 UTC
Afterwards you know they had to be like: "wow, we're sellouts."


sarren May 6 2009, 10:26:50 UTC
Yeah, but remember it was a different time. Maybe they had a more practical attitute to acting, it was a just a job *shrug* and they didn't think they were special snowflakes that were above all that, you know?


victorian_tweed May 6 2009, 14:51:44 UTC


*and slightly disappointed the pointy helmet was not used as a jello mold*


sarren May 9 2009, 07:59:21 UTC
Ha, it TOTALLY SHOULD HAVE. Well, that was a missed opportunity.


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