Gwaith i Innas Lain: Quenta Ambarmetto Glossary

Aug 01, 2011 23:52

Terms defined or translated in the text have generally not been included unless more information was needed. For names of individuals, see the Character List.

Gwaith i Innas Lain: Team Free Will
Quenta Ambarmetto: The History of the End of the World
Ainur - angels (general term)
Alqualondë - Swan-haven, the Telerin port city in Eldamar
Aman - The Undying Lands, the continent where the Valar settled; once part of Arda, but removed to a different plane during the Breaking of the World and now accessible only by the Straight Road
Andúril - Aragorn’s sword, reforged from the shards of Narsil, the sword of Elendil
Arda - Earth
Avállonë - easternmost city on Tol Eressëa, port where ships from Middle-earth land after travelling the Straight Road

Bay of Eldamar - bay on the eastern coast of Aman, barred by the Enchanted Isles; location of Tol Eressëa and eastern border of Eldamar
the Breaking of the World - to punish the Númenóreans for returning to the pagan worship of darkness and of Morgoth, and to stop the invasion of Valinor by the last king of Númenor, Eru broke the previously flat planet of Arda and turned the main part of it into a globe, removing Aman to a different plane and destroying Númenor in the process

Calacirya - the Pass of Light, only pass across the Pelóri; location of Tirion
Cartago delenda est - Carthage must be destroyed
the Cave of the Forgotten - cave on the shores of Aman in which the Númenórean invasion force was buried alive during the Breaking of the World; they will supposedly remain there until the Dagor Dagorath
changeling - type of monster that kidnaps children and takes their place, feeding on the mothers’ synovial fluid until they die; the mother changeling, in turn, feeds on the real children, and burning the mother changeling kills both it and its offspring
the Colt - gun made in AD 1835-36 by Samuel Colt for the purpose of killing supernatural creatures; destroyed by Maglor in AD 2007 to prevent the opening of the Devil’s Gate
curse box - warded box designed to quarantine and safely store cursed objects

Dagnir-en-Raughoth - “Demons’ Bane,” demon-killing knife forged for Sam by Maglor from the metal of the Colt
Dagor Dagorath - the Last Battle/Armageddon (lit. “the battle of battles”)
the Devil’s Gate - massive iron door built by Samuel Colt over a cavern in southeastern Wyoming to imprison a horde of evil spirits, misconstrued in later years as a portal to Hell itself; designed to open only when the barrel of the Colt is inserted in the lock
Dúnedain - Men of the West (singular Dúnadan); descendants of the Three Houses of the Elf-friends, some of whom have both Elven and human ancestry

Eä - The World that Is, the universe
Eldamar - Elvenhome, region in eastern Aman inhabited mainly by the Noldor, lies between the Bay of Eldamar and the Pelóri
Eldar - Elves
Elendilmir - “Star of the Elf-friends,” a single white gem on a fillet of silver worn as a crown by the Lords of Andúnië in Númenor and later by Elendil and his sons; when the original was lost (and stolen by Saruman) after Isildur’s death, a copy was made in Rivendell and became the crown of Arnor until Aragorn recovered the original after the War of the Ring
Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo - A star shines on the hour of our meeting
Elessar - eagle-shaped brooch made in the First Age by Celebrimbor for Galadriel and handed down to Eärendil and later to Aragorn; the green stone in its center contains the light of the young Sun and thus carries healing virtues
Enchanted Isles - chain of islands intended to block unauthorized access to the Bay of Eldamar
elvellon - Elf-friend

fëa - soul
Firstborn - Elves

Gil-Estel - Star of High Hope, a name given to Eärendil when he first sailed the skies as a token to the people of Middle-earth that the Valar had not forgotten them
Grond - Hammer of the Underworld, originally a warhammer wielded by Morgoth in the first age; Sauron’s battering ram used in the siege of Minas Tirith was named after it

Halls of Mandos - place where Elven souls wait to be rehoused, may also be akin to Purgatory for humans
hiril-nin - my lady
hir-nin - my lord
hroa - body

Iarwain Ben-adar - “Oldest and Fatherless,” name the Elves gave to Tom Bombadil
I ’ell nîn - It is my pleasure
I enneth nîn - My name is
Írë lúmë tuluva - Until then
Isil - the Moon
Istari - wizards, order of Maiar who were renowned for their scholarship in Aman; five Istari (Curumo, Olórin, Aiwendil, Alatar, and Pallando) were sent to Middle-earth during the Third Age to oppose Sauron, but only Olórin-Gandalf-succeeded in his mission

L’a mellyn - You are among friends
Le hannon - Thank you
Le suilon - I greet you
Lórien - forest in Valinor, home to Irmo and Estë

Maeglach - “Piercing Flame,” small five-shot .45 revolver that can kill any corporeal supernatural creature when loaded with consecrated iron rounds; reforged by Maglor from the metal of the Colt and carried by Dean in a shoulder holster
Mae govannen - Well met
Máhanaxar - the Ring of Doom, place outside the western gates of Valmar where the Valar hold council
Man le? - Who are you?
mellon-nin - my friend
Meneltarma (Adûnaic Minul-Târik) - “Pillar of Heaven,” the mountain at the center of Númenor originally devoted to the worship of Eru
Morgul blade - cursed dagger of a type used by the Ringwraiths

Namárië - Farewell (Quenya)
Navaer - Farewell (Sindarin)
Noldor - ‘tribe’ of Elves who were the second group to enter Aman and whose chief delight is in scholarship and craftsmanship
Númenor - island to which the Three Houses of the Elf-friends and some of their human allies moved in the early years of the Second Age; destroyed during the Breaking of the World in Second Age 2251

Odulem am edraith anlen - We are here to save you

palantír - seeing-stone (lit. “far-sight”)
Pedo - Speak
Pelóri - massive mountain range that marks the eastern border of Valinor, raised as a defense against Morgoth

Quenya - High Elvish, the language common among Elves in Aman

Ring of Barahir - ring given by Finrod Felagund to his mortal friend and vassal Barahir, which then passed to Barahir’s son Beren and later became the signet of the mortal kings descended from Elros and Elendil

Secondborn - Men (humankind)
Silmarils - greatest and holiest of jewels ever made by Fëanor
Sindar - Grey-elves; some were followers of Thingol who missed the boat to Aman because Thingol was lost, while others were persuaded to remain by Ossë; greatest of the Elves who never left Middle-earth
Sindarin - language of the Sindar, common among Elves and some Men in Middle-earth
the Song - The Ainur sang the universe into existence, and that Song includes all of history, though neither the Valar nor the Elves know many of its details
the Straight Road - only remaining path to Aman from Middle-earth since the Breaking of the World, which is hidden from mortal eyes

Taniquetil - tallest mountain in all Arda, highest point in the Pelóri, home of Manwë and Varda
Teleri - ‘tribe’ of Elves who were the third to enter Aman and whose chief delight is in sailing; related to the Sindar, Nandor, and Silvan Elves who remained in western Middle-earth
Tirion - city in the Calacirya, easternmost city in Valinor; originally home to both Vanyar and Noldor, but the Vanyar eventually moved into Valinor proper
Tol Eressëa - The Lonely Isle, home of the Telerin Elves; island in the Bay of Eldamar that is the destination of ships travelling the Straight Road

Valandili - Friends of the Valar
Valar - the Powers of the West, greatest of the angels sent into Eä; rule Arda as regents of Ilúvatar
Valinor - homeland of the Valar
Valmar - chief city of Valinor, home mainly to Vanyar
Vanyar - ‘tribe’ of Elves who were the first to enter Aman, highest of the High Elves, closest to the Valar

yén (plural yéni ) - Elven “Great Year,” equivalent to 144 Sun Years


spn, silmarillion, gwaith i innas lain, big bang 2011

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