It's like a Crock Pot!

Jul 02, 2008 16:29

HELLO. It's been a while, hasn't it? Let's see. Last flood related news was...oh yes. Crap, two weeks ago. A lot of crap has been going on. Hmm. Well, everyone loves lists!

1) Floodage

I'm not going to give any links cuz that would be effort, i.e. requiring me to look for them. Let me try to stuff it in a nutshell. The river crested on June 13th (I ( Read more... )

flood of 08, daterer, doctor who, random post is random, death note

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Comments 7

brianl03 July 2 2008, 22:38:54 UTC
Yay for Doctor Who fandom and being back on the web! Sorry to hear about the gluten problems though :(

I have a friend whose brother just got recently diagnosed with a gluten allergy. Would you want I to give her your contact info so she can forward it onto him for any recommendations?


sarijw July 4 2008, 23:46:11 UTC
Is it tomorrow yet? GAH. I need to know what happens!

And thanks! That'd be awesome! It's nice actually talking to people who are dealing with it, too. You can read all you want on the internet but it's not the same thing, you know?


shutterloubug July 2 2008, 22:39:06 UTC
Mm crock pot. That makes me think of stew. Why, I'm not sure, because you'd make stew in a normal pot and not a crock pot, but nonetheless. Mm chicken ( ... )


linnicole July 2 2008, 22:51:52 UTC
1. The flood sucks

2. I'll be the stupid Pollyanna and say at least you know what to avoid but, yeah, that sucks. No pizza. I'll curl up in a ball for you.

3. Erg?

4. Hee hee.

5. I'll give you a OMGWTFBBQ?!?! and raise you a zOMG!


sarijw July 4 2008, 23:45:06 UTC
3. Death Note is my porn. Even the non-porny stuff. XDD

5. It's almost Saaaaaaturday. GAAH. I'm starting to freak out! Help!


kephisos July 7 2008, 15:52:07 UTC
I was only anaemic and that was bad enough. Oo;; Depends how bad you are, they can give you tablets, and then hopefully you'll sort by yourself. :/

And you can live gluten free, I'm sure. I dunno what it's like over with you, but loads of stuff here is suitable for coeliacs, and a breadmaker's about £20. And it can make pizza dough.

...Can't do anything about the pasta, I'm afraid. XD

Hope you start feeling better soon. Love you!


sarijw July 8 2008, 02:41:23 UTC
According to my doctor, the anemia has a direct correlation with my abominably poor diet. I used to be anorexic and I've never really taken great care of myself health-wise. Not getting the nutrients because of the celiac didn't help my case at all. He thinks having an improved diet (and healthy gut) should help me get the iron and stuff I need -- which means I'm having to eat more red meat and more greens. Never been a big red meat fan.

It's not terrible and I'm sure if I lived in a larger-populated area, it'd be a lot easier. Right now, I have only one store that has any sort of "gluten-free" section and I'm reading labels right and left. I have a huge list of commonly safe items and I carry that with me, but it'll be awhile before I'm comfortable with it.

Rice pasta isn't bad. It's a bit mushier than semolina pasta but it's better than nothing, I suppose ( ... )


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