Note: All of my Sherlock fic can also be found on AO3
right here! Leaving Just a Memory (Snapshot in the Family Album) [John, Molly, Sherlock | PG13]
Whenever John walks to and from work, he passes by a wall covered in "Believe in Sherlock" graffiti. Post-Reichenbach.
Fo(u)nd Poetry [John, Sherlock, Mrs. Hudson (John/Sherlock) | PG]
John wants to know what they mean, these scraps, these chunks of poetry pulled out of context and left around the flat like some obscure, verbose treasure hunt.
It's Not Pretty [John, Sherlock | PG]
A train leaves London for Leeds at 1:42pm. Two men are on it. This is a brief moment between them.
Keeps Yourself Still [John/Sherlock | PG]
Sherlock is distracted, and quiet, and it’s all a bit terrifying, really.
For This, And Everything Else [John, Sherlock, Mentions of Harry | PG13]
Sherlock has gone through almost a whole packet of cigarettes, the purest he could find to buy amidst mounds of mentholated and mild, in less than twelve hours.
A Very Dangerous Thing to Do [John, Sherlock, Mycroft, Harry (John/Sherlock) | PG13]
“In fact, I have never been married, and I never intend to be. Love is all very well in its way, but friendship is much higher. Indeed, I know of nothing in the world that is either nobler or rarer than a devoted friendship.”
Lady Macbeth [Sherlock/John, Brief Appearances of Others | PG13]
Sherlock has blood on his hands, and somehow, everything always comes back to John.
Until [Sherlock/John | PG13]
Sherlock comes back a little broken.
Lost Time [Sherlock/John | PG]
Sometimes, the flat feels like a jazz lounge of decades past; Sherlock, sprawled on the sofa with a cigarette between his lips, the lighting gently dim, the smoke collecting horizontally like wispy blue stratus clouds.
All Trains Finish There [Sherlock/John | PG]
Spain was humid, more so than anything John had ever felt in London, and the air was thick with salt. Their tiny suite of rooms on the top floor of the hotel was heavy with it. They kept the windows open to let in the strong breezes and the sounds of the ocean. Post-Reichenbach.
Patterned Red and Grey [Sherlock/John, Other Canon Characters | PG]
John grieves. Is it always going to be this quiet? Post-Reichenbach.
Worth It [Irene/Kate, mentions of Sherlock, John, (Sherlock/John), Mycroft | PG]
A conversation over breakfast. Post-Reichenbach. Mostly a brief character study.