An Injury to One [Jack/Ianto, Ten, Others | PG13] and
The First of All Pleasures [Jack/Ianto, Jack/OC | PG13]
A COE fix-it of sorts, in which Ianto finds himself slightly changed and Jack learns to cope.
Linger [Jack/Ianto, Team, OCs | PG-NC17]
Another COE fix-it. This time Ianto starts out as a ghost-like being able to communicate only through emotion.
Whose Blood Makes The Glory [Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Andy, OCs | PG13]
Post "Exit Wounds," Weevils are being kidnapped again and Torchwood is determined to find out why.
Use It in a Sentence [Multiple Characters/Pairings | Multiple Ratings]
Week One |
Week Two |
Week Three |
Week Four |
Week Five Seven drabbles per week, prompted by the M-W Word of the Day.
A Torchwood Christmas Carol [Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen, Tosh, Alice and Steven Carter, John Hart, Estelle, Grey, Franklin/Wife, Rhiannon/Johnny, Mica and David, OCs | PG13]
What it says on the tin; Jack doesn't like Christmas very much.
Jack/Ianto LAS Challenge Fics
#1 Put Up A Front [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Prompt: The Right Time To Lie. Five lies, and the truths they hide. From the beginning through the end of Season Two.
#2 He Bared His Heart on Valentine's Day [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Prompt: Valentine's Day. A date gone wrong, the beating of a heart. Post "Exit Wounds."
#3 The Gift of Life [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Prompt: Terrible Gift. Jack finally admits to Ianto the worst gift he's ever received. Post "Out of Time."
#4 On the Peripheral [Jack/Ianto | PG]
Prompt: Childhood Memories. Three times Ianto meets Jack before Ianto meets Jack. Spoilers for "Fragments."
#5 Stay [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Prompt: Arrogance diminishes wisdom. The first time Ianto stays the night.
#7 Learning to Expect the Unexpected [Jack/Ianto | PG]
Prompt: "I didn't see that one coming." Jack visits Ianto the morning after the events of "Countrycide."
#8 Forward [Jack/Ianto | PG] (Not entered into competition)
Prompt: "Where do we go from here?" Jack and Ianto discuss life and change. Post "Exit Wounds."
Torchwood LAS Challenge Fics
#1 Love Song for the Recently Unraveled [Jack/Ianto | PG]
Prompt: In the Dark, Music. Ianto is on a roof, and a tipping point.
#2 Floating, Forgotten, Forever [Jack/Ianto | PG]
Prompt: Memories, purple. A jar of memories.
#3 Gun in Hand, Pen to Paper [Jack, Gwen | G]
Prompt: Journey, Book. "Write your story," he says.
#4 Skipped
#5 Coming Soon!
Red is Our Color Challenge Fics
#10 Piece by Piece [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Theme: Flowers. Ianto is no shrinking violet; he is a whole bloody garden.
#12 A Dreaded Sunny Day [Jack, Rhiannon, Johnny, Mica, David | PG]
Theme: Spring. Jack comes back to exorcise his demons and finds something he didn't expect. Post COE.
#13 The Last Death or Fate is a Fickle Bitch [Rhys, Jack, Gwen, Andy, Anwen | PG13]
Theme: Fate. Rhys has had enough of Jack Harkness. Set during Miracle Day, but written before it aired.
#14 KitchenAid Doesn’t Offer the Right Shade To Match How You Feel Now [Gwen, Ianto (Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys) | PG13]
Theme: Kitchen. Gwen and Ianto talk about things, like absent Captains and pending weddings. Set during The Year That Wasn't.
#15 A Time for Departure [Andy, Ten | PG]
Theme: Doctor Who Crossover. PC Andy meets the Doctor.
#18 Of Waxing Shapes and Waning [Ianto/Lisa, Ianto/Jack | PG13]
Theme: Medicine. After Lisa, things don't change for Ianto. Not really. Through Season Two.
#19 Do Not Cease [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
Theme: Celebration. Even in the darkest hour, there is always something to celebrate. Post "Exit Wounds."
#21 Honorable Titles [Jack/Ianto, Team | PG]
Theme: Job. Some jobs never change. Through Season Two.
#25 The River, It Was Boilin' [Gwen/Ianto (Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys) | PG13]
Theme: Sin. "The Lord said, 'Go to the devil.'" Set during The Year That Wasn't.
Twinkle [Jack/Ianto | NC17] written with
usakiwigirl Christmas Fic. Jack finds a use for fairy lights.
A Perfect Pleasure [Jack/Ianto | PG13] written with
analineblueIanto smokes. Jack encourages. They converse. Set during Season Two.
Break a Silver Lining [Jack/Ianto | PG13] written with
analineblueA long drive, some much-needed conversation, and, eventually, a sunrise. Post "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang."
The Vague Outlines of Ghosts [Jack/Ianto, Team | NC17] written with
analineblue for the
Even after they have come and gone, Ianto can’t quite let go of the case of the night travelers. Post "From Out of the Rain."
To Guide, Rather Than Lead [Jack/Ianto | PG] written with
analineblue for the
tw_collab_fest Flat Holm lay on the horizon, far enough away to be nothing more than a dark smudge against the brightness of sun-on-water. Jack and Ianto, navigating the silence after an argument.