Crossovers100, IY/DC - Tale 2 (PG - Kagome/Batman)

May 24, 2011 14:34

Title: Crossovers100, Tale 2
Author: sarhea
Fandom: InuYasha, DCverse, Batman: TAS, Justice League Unlimited
Rating: PG-13 mainly
Ships: Kagome, Batman/Bruce Wayne
Summary: A series of interconnected drabbles concerning Kagome's relationship with Batman. Will eventually evolve into a full story with plot linking each snip.
For: crossovers100
Disclaimer: Not Mine.

[ 003. Ends ] Rest of Your Life

Kagome smiled brilliantly as she watched Sesshoumaru, the last link to her world, disappear through the portal. The cheerful expression did not fade as she waved and mouthed farewells at her friends through the window, as she watched the fluctuating opening shrink, the gateway to her beloved second family contract to a pinpoint and vanish. Then her expression crumbled and shattered like fragile glass. Her knees gave way and she sank to the blood and debris stained ground. She cried. Her world had come to an end. She was trapped in a strange land, her family and friends far beyond her reach with no way home.

The flying man in blue and red darted to her side and tried to comfort her but she did not comprehend his words. Her English was not the best and her emotional state was not exactly conductive to rational thought or comprehension.


The League watched as she cried silently, her aura build into the visible spectrum and fluctuate wildly, stinging and soothing alternatively. She fought anyone who tried to move her or interrupt her grieving.

Reluctantly Superman drew away. He understood what she was feeling, torn from her world and time and exiled into a strange world. It had happened to him before and it was sheer chance that he found his way back each time.

“We can’t leave her like this.” He murmured. “If that Demon Lord ever manages to breach the dimensional barriers to our universe he will be furious. He is very protective of her.”

“I will take her to Themyscira.” Wonder Woman announced. “My sisters will help her adjust to this new world.”

Most of the JLA members present nodded in agreement. However there was one strongly dissenting voice.


All present turned to Batman.

Wonder Woman frowned. “And why not?” She inquired frostily.

But Batman was not affected. “Themyscira will be too strange and alien to her. Culturally and socially she would fit in a Western city better.”

“But first we have to get her to move.” Green Lantern pointed out. “My ring energy acts oddly around her. If she really fights I don’t think we can’t Not hurt her.”

Batman considered the argument and nodded. “Point. Let me try.”

“You?” Was the general disbelieving response.

The Dark Knight glared. “If any of you speak Japanese feel free to try and talk some sense into her.”

There was no real response to that.

Superman watched quietly as Batman approached the girl and crouch down beside her. He could have tried but he was interested in seeing how Bruce handled the situation.


“Crying will not help.”

Kagome looked up, her interest drawn by the low harsh voice speaking polished unaccented Japanese. He looked terrifying with his looming demeanour, dark garb, mask and cape. Kagome had seen far more terrifying beings hidden behind a façade of beauty.

“It will not change anything but it makes me feel better.” She got out between hiccupping sobs.

She felt his frown and veiled disdain.

“I don’t see how you could have gained the respect of such a powerful being. You crumple at the first hint of adversity when you do not have your allies.”

Something snapped inside her. She lunged across the small gap between them, pushing him on his backside, straddling his lap on her knees.

Batman was so taken aback by her fierce response he did not react when her small hands twisted in the collar of his cape dragging his face to hers. Her soft brown eyes were very hard and penetrating as they bored into him, unaffected by the mask or threatening demeanour he exuded. Of course given the nature of her allies and enemies it was understandable the off-putting aura of mere mortals was ignorable.

“My world is gone. I will never see my family or friends again. My mother will blame herself for not stopping me. My brother will hurt when reality sinks in. My grandfather will grieve quietly but accept as he has already experienced loss in his life. InuYasha will blame himself for not protecting me. Sango already lost her entire village and Shippo his parents. They’ve already endured so much loss! How can you expect me to calmly accept that I’ve made them suffer yet another!?!”

“You didn’t choose this!” He responded bluntly. “You did what you had to do. To save the world. Ours and yours. Do you think they would have lived if the portal continued to expand?”

Her grip on the heavy tri-weave material loosened. “No.”

“Then take comfort from the fact they live whatever lives they do. You may not be part of it but they are still alive.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” She whispered.

“Live your own life.”

She closed her eyes briefly. “I don’t know if I can.” She whispered. “Kaa-san, Jii-san, Souta.”

She was surprised by the slick touch of his gloved hand on her cheek.

“I know it feels like your world has come to an end, that you have nothing to live for… But you can’t let it drag you down. This is Not the end of your life, just the start of the rest of your life.”

Brown eyes widened in sudden comprehension. “It happened to you. You’ve lost the center of your world.” She sensed him stiffen though he gave no visible sign. She smiled warmly and touched his cheek. “Thank you.” Then she slapped him. “But it still doesn’t give you any right to be an ass.”

She rose from her straddled position and walked away, only pausing to slip her battered knapsack over one shoulder and sling Hiraikotsu across her back with one hand. Kagome hoped they had transportation close by. She wasn’t used to carrying Hiraikotsu all day like Sango.

Her chin lifted as she brushed away her tears with the back of her free hand as she made her way to the nice man wearing blue spandex and a red cape. She ignored their gaping awed shocked expressions and spoke to the blue-red dressed man in careful English.

“Apologies for losing control. Please take this one to hotel. Will give payment after selling coins from Sesshoumaru.”

To her shock he responded in fluent Japanese.

“Don’t worry about money. We will pick up the bill and help you get settled. It is the least we can do after what you’ve done to save the world.” There was a small pause. “I am sorry for your loss. It is difficult accepting the loss of all ties and familiar things. It feels like the end of the world.”

Kagome sighed and replied in the same language. “It has happened to me before. It is just this time there is no way back. Not without destroying all of reality.” She inhaled deeply and blushed. “Forgive me but what should I call you?”

The nice man grinned. “Most call me Superman but you can call me Kal-el. I have another name as well. The one you hit is Batman.”

Kagome glowered. “Don’t talk about Him! I know he meant well but he makes me sooo mad! Ooohh! I swear if he had any youkai blood I’d put a subjugation necklace on him and SIT him for ten minutes straight!”

Kal-el laughed. “Many people feel that but you are one of the few brave enough to say it out loud. Not to mention that slap!”

Kagome blushed and groaned. “Please don’t remind me! Kaa-san would be furious by my bad manners! I really should apologize but right now I feel too angry and frustrated.” Then she wrinkled her nose. “Could I please have something to eat? And a bath? Once youkai blood dries it is hard to wash out.”

He smiled gently. “Of course. Wonder Woman, Diana, she will help show you around for now. The lady with the wings is Hawkgirl, Shayera. The one in red is Flash, the one in green is Green Lantern. After you rest we’ll work on setting you up with papers and documentation.” He studied her intensely. “Welcome to the rest of your life.”

Kagome considered the words. It was true. Her old lives had come to an abrupt end and she was on the verge of starting a new one in a world that seemed to be filled with super powered people who did not consider her an oddity or to be revered. She smiled slowly, eyes gleaming with hidden mirth.

“Thank you Kal-el. I look forward to it.”

[ 001. Beginnings ] Fresh Starts

“I don’t understand why you want to move to Gotham! I mean you got plenty of job offers in Metropolis!”

Kagome smiled patiently and continued packing her picture frames between her linens.

“I heard you Clark and I gave you my reasons. I feel I can do more good in Gotham. Batman is doing plenty with the criminal element and philanthropists like Bruce Wayne are trying with the socio-economic elements but there are still people who fall through the cracks. I can help there.”

Clark Kent sighed and sat down on the twin bed. “I hoped that you would have changed your mind.” He admitted. “Gotham is dangerous. The Rogues are not predictable.” He warned.

Kagome snorted softly. “Trust me Clark, I know all about unpredictable and very powerful beings with the power and tendency to maim and kill!”

“Then why do you want to move to Gotham?”

Kagome stopped her packing and sat beside Clark on her bed. She rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled close when he wrapped a powerful arm around her.

“Gotham needs my help a lot more than Metropolis.” She confessed. “I’m not saying bad things don’t happen here but they happen more frequently in Gotham. Apathy, depression and hopelessness… Gothamites feel powerless, that they have no control in their own lives. I know how that feels Clark. I want to help them understand that it doesn’t have to be that way. They just need to be willing to step up and take control. That the first step is always the hardest but it is doable!”

Clark sighed. “I can’t change your mind, can I?”

Kagome grinned cheerily. “Nope.”

“Then be ready for regular phone calls and visits. I’m going to ask Batman to keep an eye on you.”

Kagome chuckled. “If Batman wants to waste his time following little old me more power to him. Gotham is going to be a fresh start for me, a new beginning.”

[ 033. Too Much ] Commitments

Some where along the line his calculated interactions with Kagome had reached depths he had never planned on. Bruce found he wanted everything she had to give: her love, respect, support, and trust. What he had always secretly wanted was too much to expect, according to all of the women in his past. Oddly enough this woman-child met each of his needs-wants with no doubts or second thought.

She would give without hesitation everything she had to those she cared for, never asking for anything in return. By nature and upbringing she felt an obligation to the community she lived in and the world; she felt the need to serve and aid the less fortunate and did not feel jealous of sharing the attentions of others experiencing that same need to serve.

Of course it did not mean she did not want; she wanted a great deal, too much in his cynical view: too much from the world, from people, from Gotham, from Him. But she would not ask it of him, he knew she never would.

Kagome wanted everyone to be happy and safe and loved. But she never included herself in the list, she never thought about how badly it would impact the people around her if something happened to Her, she never would.

Bruce leaned back in the custom-built swivel chair and considered his options. For her giving too much was acceptable in a relationship; but the type of commitment she desired also demanded a great deal in return. Bruce was not certain if he could give her that degree of emotional commitment. But at the same time he was unwilling to take the risk of another male winning her devotion.

The antique grand-father clock chimed softly as he came to a decision. He had to at least try.

[ 015. Blue ] His Eyes

Bruce Wayne had pretty eyes. Most people would call them blue and be done with it but to Kagome blue was a bland incomplete description of what she saw. Sure he had blue eyes but they were a shade of blue so dark they almost looked black in certain light. Kagome remembered her grandfather using blue ink and brushes to practice calligraphy. Bruce Wayne’s eyes reminded her of her grandfather’s ink. India blue ink. But then in other light they lightened to a brilliant shade of dark blue shot with thin grey shards that made Kagome think of electrified cobalt crystals.

Kagome sighed and sipped her cranberry and soda water drink as she moved slightly to keep the Gotham Playboy Billionaire in her line-of-sight. He moved easily, carelessly from group to group, charming males and females of all ages and status. He talked, chatted, teased and gossiped. People responded to the social mask not realizing the sharp cutting edges and diamond hard resolve Kagome saw behind the social mask. Eyes were windows to the soul and all people had hidden depths and from what Kagome could see Bruce Wayne had ocean sized depths to his soul and true personality.

[ 017. Brown ] Her Eyes

Kagome had her mother’s eyes. Soft dark chocolate orbs that did not hide the owner’s true feelings.Kagome’s eyes were warm and liquid soft, cheerful as she went about her day. Filled with understanding and resolve as she talked with her clients and made her plans.

Bruce had seen her brown eyes become heated in one of their fights, turn seductive in their intimate encounters, cry for the pain and loss suffered by friends and allies before turning grim as she made plans to neutralize the latest threat.

Kagome loved him. It had taken Bruce a while to accept that emotion and the idea that she would not leave him. Ever. Because when she gave her loyalty and heart it was absolute, no holds barred. And she loved him so completely Bruce felt the urge to reciprocate, to show her and the world he felt the same. And it was to that end he planned a secret trip to Japan on the guise of ‘business’, to meet with the Higurashi family; to formally ask the clan matriarch her blessing to wed her daughter Kagome.

[ 025. Strangers ] Web of Trust

Kun Loon Higurashi stared at the stranger standing on her doorstep. Even someone from the Higurashi’s not so wealthy social circles in Japan would have recognized the gaijin standing on the step below her.

Bruce Wayne. The American Billionaire. Gotham’s Playboy Prince.

“Higurashi-san, my name is Bruce Wayne. My apologies for this informal intrusion but I would like to talk to you.”

“About what Wayne-san? I don’t see why you would travel half-way around the world to speak to a Japanese housewife.”

“It is a personal matter Higurashi-san.”

“I am uncertain how I can help you. If you wish to speak to a priest my father-in-law is in Kyoto and will be back Friday.”

“I do not need to speak to Kagome’s grandfather. Yet.”

Kun Loon stiffened. “Kagome? Do you know her? Did something happen? Is she all right?”

“Please, do not worry. Kagome is fine. I spoke to her last night.”

Kun Loon frowned slightly as she stepped to one side to allow him entrance into the modest middle-class home. She watched with approving eyes as he slipped off his shoes and slid his feet into guest slippers.

“Forgive me Wayne-san, you say you spoke to Kagome last night. That implies you are friends and know each other.”

Bruce Wayne did not flinch as he met her eyes evenly. “Yes. She is a good friend. Loyal and honourable.”

Kun Loon shook her head as she stepped into the kitchen and put a pot of water to boil.

“Please sit down at the kitchen table.”

With a bemused expression he obeyed. He watched as she prepared a plate of onigiri and pushed them over to him with a set of chopsticks.

Kun Loon watched as he ate one, chewed slowly then more rapidly and swallowed.

“This is good.” He admitted. “The filling is different. Sharper.”

“A family recipe. I pickle the radish myself.” Kun Loon busied herself preparing a pot with tea leaves and cups. “Now tell me Bruce, what has my daughter gotten herself into?”

The blue eyed gaijin raised a slim brow. “Bruce? So informal, so quickly? Are we not near strangers?”

Kun Loon laughed softly. “You say you know Kagome but she did not mention you to me.” The middle-aged woman cocked her head.  “At least by name. She hid her relationship with you from me. She would not do something like that on a whim, not without very good reason… Like protecting someone else.” She laughed softly. “Kagome has always been honest with me. Any lies are lies of omission to protect someone else.” Brown eyes turned very sharp. “Tell me Bruce, what kind of danger has she involved herself in this time? Why is she hiding her friendship with you?”

Bruce Wayne stared at the placid iron-cored visage of maternal serenity before him and quickly revised his plans. Yes Kun Loon Higurashi was a near stranger but she was Kagome’s mother and trustworthy given his background investigation and Kagome’s stories.


“Kun Loon.” She corrected firmly as she poured hot water over tea leaves. “From what I can perceive you have a very close relationship with my daughter. I think we can drop the formalities and get to know each other better.”

Bruce blinked and nodded.

“Good. Now tell me about your relationship with Kagome. Why didn’t she tell me about you.”

There was a silence in which Bruce considered the best way to break it to the woman who would become his mother-in-law.

“Kun Loon… have you heard about Batman?”

He watched a frown crease the older woman’s smooth brow as she thought hard. While she tried to organize what she knew into an answer Bruce picked up an onigiri and popped it in his mouth.

“Kagome did mention meeting Batman. She is helping him isn’t she.” It was more of a statement than a question.

Blue eyes widened in shock. How on earth…?

Kun Loon was secretly amused as she continued to verbalize her thoughts. “Kagome has a very strong sense of justice. She is very protective of her friends.” Then Kun Loon realized something else and her eyes widened. “You are Batman.”

Bruce choked and coughed on the onigiri that went down the wrong pipe.

“Why do you say that?”

Brown eyes narrowed. “You didn’t deny it Bruce.” Then she smiled. “You don’t have to say anything.” She poured the tea into two cups and pushed one across with a small tray with a dish of sugar, a pitcher of cream and a plate of lemon wedges. “Drink your tea and tell me about my daughter.”

Blue eyes widened incredulously. “That’s it? You aren’t going to ask more questions? Demand answers? Order your daughter to return to Japan?”

Kun Loon serenely prepared her own cup of tea and took a sip before answering.

“You have a right to privacy. Kagome is an adult living her own life. My only wish is to get to know the man who would be my daughter’s protector.” Knowing brown eyes glanced at the billionaire over the rim of tea cup. “It is hard to trust a complete stranger with a loved one’s safety. But every day we do just that trusting policemen, emergency room doctors, firefighters and Justice League super heroes with our personal and social safety. If my daughter trusts Batman then I trust him.”

Bruce smiled slightly and sipped his own tea black and unflavoured.

“What do you want to know Kun Loon.”

“Tell me about Bruce Wayne the man, not the illusion I read about in the papers. He is not one my daughter would give her loyalty to.”

[ 027. Parents ] Good Parents

Harsh sharp inhaled breaths and rustling sheets were the only sound in the dark moonlit bedroom until one of the two occupants spoke.

“I wish you could have met my parents. I’m certain they would have adored you.”

The words spoken by the male in pensive tones made his female companion shift her elbows under her torso to leverage her upper body high enough off the mattress to look down upon him. He smiled wistfully and reached up to touch her perspiration dampened hair and glowing, moist skin.

“Alfred says you are very similar to Mother. She was kind and generous and willing to listen to others and fight for her beliefs and causes. Father loved that about her; her sense of right and wrong. He would have loved you.”

His bedmate shifted until she was lying across his torso, chin resting on broad pectoral muscles.

“Kaa-san would have been so pleased to meet you, to be told of what we share, and to see how much you mean to me.” Silky black hair spread over his chest as she rested her cheek against him. “She always worried about me travelling to the Feudal Era. After Kikyo was resurrected she would listen without judging.” The woman laughed softly. “I never knew she always told my high school friends whenever I was home. So they could drag me out and set me up on dates. To give me something mundane and manageable to worry about.”

The woman was quiet for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts.

“She was a very traditional woman but oh so strong! She is one of the strongest women I know. Emotionally not physically of course.”

“Physical strength is easy to achieve. Emotional strength is not. You must be very proud of her.”

“Oh I am! I was very young when Tou-san died you know. I don’t remember much of him; just that he would toss me in the air and hug me every day after school. When they brought Souta home Tou-san told me Souta was my responsibility; I had to protect and look after him. I wasn’t the best big sister after I fell into the Bone Eaters Well but I did the best I could. And now I can’t even try.”

Tears filled blue eyes and overflowed, spilling down pale cheeks.

“My biggest regret is I kept putting off talking to them. Each time I went home it was in a rush, just to restock write tests and rush off. I never really sat down and talked to my family. I always thought there would be time after Naraku was defeated. Now I regret that choice. I know they are alive and well but I can’t talk to them so it is like they Are dead to me. I’ll never hear my bratty brother whine and taunt me. I’ll never hear Jii-jii go on one of his mostly inaccurate lectures on mythic history and youkais. I can never go to Kaa-san when I have problems and listen to her advice.” Her breath caught. “She’ll never meet you, give her blessing, watch us get married, meet her in-laws, or hold her grandchildren.

His hand stopped stroking her bicep and tightened on her upper arm.

“The last time I talked to my parents I made a fuss in that theatre. I wanted to go home. And then they were killed. For the longest time I blamed myself. I still do. Alfred was the one who forced me to understand it was not my fault; that any good parent would first and foremost protect their children. Good parents want their children to live.”

She brushed her thumb over one side of the attractive masculine face just inches away, stroking one cheekbone before correcting her lover. “Good parents want their children to be live and be happy.” She met dark blue eyes squarely. “Thomas and Martha were good people and good parents. I’ve talked to many people, not just Alfred, and they all agree on that. They would want you to be happy Bruce.”

Bruce Wayne smiled slowly. “For the first time in a long time I can honestly say I am happy. And it is all thanks to you.”

And then he leaned up to kiss the woman who had brought light and joy into his life. Kagome Hiragushi.

[ 034. Not Enough ] Evolution in Feelings

“Have you heard? Selina Kyle is back in town.”

“She is due for a visit. She usually stops in Gotham every few years.”

“Yesss. I wonder if she will hook up with Bruce Wayne. As she usually does.”

“I think so. Wayne does have a habit of dropping his latest escort whenever one of his old flames returns to town.”

“Not all old flames. Just the serious ones. Of which Selina Kyle is.”

Kagome firmly ignored the sly avaricious glances directed her way from the group of women a few cubicles away.

Seeing she wasn’t going to betray her true feelings the gossiping harpies continued their conversation.

Kagome focused on her work and managed to get through three case files, completing the necessary research and paperwork before it was time for lunch.

She turned down requests to join her colleagues for lunch, claiming she needed a brisk walk and fresh air. Which she did.

Ten minutes later she was walking down a narrow path in a tired, scraggly urban green space set in the middle of a cluster of office buildings. Her hands were cold but the travel mug of coffee warmed her insides as her mind wandered and feet carried her down the trail.

She wasn’t sure how far she walked before she found an unoccupied bench in a crescent off the main path.

Absently she sipped her coffee as she went over the situation and her options.

Selina Kyle was back in town.

Kagome had no illusions that Bruce would not rekindle his relationship with Her. True, it was not stable or long-term but the chemistry between them was tested and true. They were mature adults free to engage in a consensual relationship. The fact that one Kagome Hiragushi was Bruce Wayne’s primary social escort these days did not matter.

They were friends. Just friends.

Her hands tightened on the travel mug as an emotional chill spread through her.

Kagome felt torn. There was no way she could have imagined how strong her reaction would be. To Bruce dating an old girlfriend. To him seeing another woman. She was jealous of Selina. Angry that Bruce would prefer the older woman’s company over Kagome. She wanted to scream at him and force him to look at her. See Her. Her breath caught as her mind recognized the situation.

She loved him. And he did not love her.

It was Inuyasha, Kikyo, and her all over again. Only this time the male never claimed to care for her in an intimate sense. And the other woman was not her incarnate, but all the same more attractive, sensual and confident than Kagome.

The travel mug fell from her hands spilling coffee over the worn paving stones.

‘I thought I could be happy with just his friendship but it is not enough. I want, I need, I hope for so much more.’ Tears escaped forming silvery trails down pale cheeks. ‘I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this again! Loving someone who only cares for me as a friend… It is living hell. I went through this before and it nearly killed me.  I live on scrapes and watch others sit at a banquet to consume a feast! I won’t put myself through that again. I deserve better than leftovers and a stunted immature relationship. His friendship is not enough. A partial immature relationship is not enough.’

Kagome had allowed her dreams for a relationship with InuYasha die because she knew a half-hearted love was not true love. It was not enough to sustain a real relationship.

Small elegant hands clenched in her lap as she forced herself to look past the heartache, at the situation itself.

Was she in the same situation again? Loving someone who did not care for her the same way? Did she really know how Bruce felt about her? Sure he had said he saw her as a true friend but it didn’t mean his feelings had not changed since then. Hers certainly had! And it wasn’t like she had planned it. Or even realized it!

Soft full lips pressed together to form a thin line as the young Japanese woman came to a decision. 
‘I need to talk to him and hear it from his own lips. I won’t drift along hoping the situation will change; that his feelings for me change.’ She nodded slowly chewing on her lower lip. ‘I need him to say it out loud. If he has warmer feelings for me. If not I need to make other plans. Move away from Gotham. To Boston. Or Chicago.’ Her eyes were dry and resolute. ‘If he doesn’t feel the same way I’m going to move away instead of hoping for things to change -for his feelings for me to change- like a foolish child crying for the moon. I’m no longer a child with a crush. I’m not going to chase him like some fangirl. If Bruce doesn’t care for me that way I will find someone else.’ Soft wavy black hair floated around her resolute face as she tossed her head back and nodded firmly to herself. ‘I’m not going to wait forever. I am going to live and love and have a family. Bruce will always be my friend but I can’t put my life on hold waiting for him to change.’

[ 090. Home ] What Makes a Home

Alfred Pennyworth looked away and blinked rapidly to keep the tears filling his eyes from falling. His hands moved with decades of ingrained reflexes to fill the trolley with desserts stored in the small kitchenette built in the ante chamber off the family dining room.

Master Bruce was actually smiling. A real honest-to-God genuine smile. And it was a regular event at the Manor nowadays. And so was his laughter; though it was a rarer to hear that.

Master Richard was visiting quite frequently nowadays. He was quite addicted to the Sunday morning breakfasts and Tuesday night dinners prepared by Miss Kagome. And when Master Richard and Master Bruce were in the same room nowadays there is a great deal less tension and testosterone-poisoning as Miss Barbara would say.

Master Timothy was finding his place in the Manor and truly accepting his status as Bruce Wayne’s ward and Batman’s apprentice. Even though Alfred had tried his best the young lad never felt as though he fit in the rich society stratas that Master Bruce moved in. Even after all these years Master Timothy felt he was not truly deserving of a position in the high-class circles of Gotham society. A foolish thought in Alfred’s view. Many of Gotham’s wealthy and elite were criminals and thugs or just smart, rich, connected and cunning enough to avoid being arrested and convicted.

And there was Miss Cassandra. Miss Kagome was the only one to get in Master Bruce’s face and challenge his views that he knew best. Miss Cassandra was different but not disabled by her inability to speak and trying to reverse that would reduce what made her Cassandra Cain, unique and her own person. She was comfortable being mute and since everyone in the Manor knew ASL there were no communication barriers. And if Miss Cassandra needed to communicate with someone outside there were other methods including technology that could act as a medium/translator.

Alfred thanked the stars, Gods, and whatever Powers were Out There for setting the events in motion, for sending Kagome Higurashi to Gotham, to Wayne Manor, to Them. Some how the young Japanese woman had wrought a miracle. With her open mind, warm heart, unflinching acceptance and unconditional support she had earned the trust and respect of the residents (former residents) and regular visitors of Wayne Manor. She somehow wormed past the mile-high barriers and forged strong positive ties all of them. And most of all she had made Wayne Manor a home, a warm receptive and welcoming abode by healing Master Bruce.
After all of these years Alfred was ninety-eight percent sure that Master Bruce had finally found the woman who would be a true partner, someone who understood and accepted his nightly quest, someone who could stand up to his forceful personality, someone who would not let him wallow in dour moods and bad memories, someone who would not betray and hurt him like the others.

[006. Hours]   Not a Damsel

Kagome groaned as her muscles strained as she twisted and braced against the wall behind her, to get enough height and leverage, to slip the rope restraining her wrists off the ceiling hook.

She fell to the ground gracelessly when she finally succeeded. From then it was easy enough to break her crystal earrings into jagged sharp shards; shards edged enough to cut the ropes.

Kagome was not certain how long it had been since Killer Croc had tied her up and hung her in this damp dank cellar-like room, like a slab of beef awaiting a butcher’s attention. More than likely hours given the way her stomach was grumbling and knotting on itself.

She debated for just five seconds before coming to a decision. Kagome was not going to hang around and wait like a damsel in distress, wait for Someone to rescue her. She was going to rescue herself!

Of course she did wish she had someone who know something was wrong and report her missing.

No! If she had wanted a caretaker keeping track of her every move, she would have stayed in Metropolis and remained subject to Clark’s overly protective mother-henning tendencies!

She chose to move to Gotham for a reason, to Grow, to Live, to Prove to herself she did not need other people to keep rescuing her. She could look after herself!

She straightened the metal wire of her broken earring and twisted it into a specific design before kneeling before the ancient handle and key-hole of only door in the cellar room. She silently thanked the Kamis she had taken up Shyster Gina’s offer for lessons on basic lock-picking in exchange for a dozen home-made bento boxes.

The lock gave with a rusty-sounding snick. Kagome tensed but did not hear anything else. Apparently her kidnappers were certain of her incompetence and inability to help herself.

She sniffed and pushed open the door, eager to get out of the prison cell. She hoped she could find a way out of this smelly place. Kagome was used to being trapped in dungeons and caves but sewers were the limit! She was not looking forward to wandering around for hours, trying to find a safe way out while avoiding her kidnappers.

[009. Months]  A Courtship Planned

Laser sharp blue eyes tracked a particular petite figure across the dance floor. She was dancing with Tim who was two inches taller than her despite being so much younger than her.

She was laughing as she accepted Jim’s hand. And then Lucius. And then Dick’s.

But he also noted she refused requests from the men seeking more than just a partner for the dance floor, men who were interested in a more intimate relationship, of the romantic or sexual kind. Just as she had in all the months since she move to Gotham and formed a circle of friends and contacts.

So far she had refused all romantic overtures. The ones who still continued to ask were of two times, the sexual predators interested in another notch, and the honourable who were genuinely interested in a relationship with her.

At first he kept an eye on her to reassure Clark that she was settling without too much problems. Then he continued to keep an eye on her when she turned out to have the same tendencies as Lois to meet the most interesting people, of both criminal and heroic tendencies.

At first he watched, unwilling to make his presence known, to interact with her. As the months passed he realised she had always been aware of his presence, as Batman and Bruce Wayne. As more months passed Bruce found himself drawn to her, just like every other male. She was genuine and true, almost innocent despite her past experiences.

Bruce had resisted all these months but now he found his vast reserves of control faltering. He was no longer satisfied with just watching from a distance.

He calculated the best way of introducing himself to her and explaining away his indifference over the last few months. Perhaps an involved overseas business deal that was now signed and done? She was the forgiving and accepting type.

A small smile curved thin lips as he anticipated how their relationship would evolve in the months to come.

char.iy kagome, char.dc bruce, fdom. inuyasha, fdom. batman, ffic, xover-dc-iy, chal. crossovers100, fdom. dc-verse

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