Q's Gift 4/5 (Hermione/nu!Spock ~ PG13)

Nov 07, 2011 23:39

Summary: Spock Prime and Hermione adjust to life on Hamlan (New Vulcan). And the seed of a new relationship takes root and blooms.

AN: Post the Movie.


~ooO Different Choices, Different Futures Ooo~

Selek, once known as Spock of Vulcan, stood on the step of a pre-fabricated shelter, a structure that most residents of Hamlan were living in instead of permanent structures. It was a logical decision until the infrastructure for communities was built, and then government and other public facilities, such as hospitals, schools, and community kitchens, had higher priority over permanent private and residential housing. As the construction crews completed a particular building, the pre-fab shelters were redeployed for private housing and even commercial use.

Selek had managed to secure one of those units and have it moved to a plot of private land just on the outskirts of the New Shi'Khar but within walking distance of one of the planned public transit lines. Currently most residents were using old-fashioned muscle-powered bicycles to get around the place. It was rare to see a Vulcan in full layered robes; most chose to wear one-piece jumpsuits or tunic-pants outfits.

The tension within him relaxed at the sight of a familiar cyclist approaching. He stepped inside and reappeared carrying a steel flask. He watched and waited until the cyclist was at the bottom of the steps and dismounting before stepping down to join her.

He held out the flask. "You must be thirsty."

The Caucasian human with curly light brown hair smiled brightly and accepted the container. "Very," she admitted, unscrewing the cap and drinking deeply.

Selek watched in silence as she consumed three-quarters of the flask. The labs she worked in were almost on the other side of the community. Hamlan was not as hot and arid as Vulcan, nor the gravity as high, but it was still hard on non-Vulcans, especially humans. But oddly enough, his quasi-charge had adapted with very little side-effects. In fact she was less prone to suffering from sun or heat strokes. One of the medical doctors had commented that she had a dense bioaura, a characteristic of telepathic and psi-sensitive races.

"How is your research progressing?" he asked her as they entered the pre-fab unit they shared.

Her weary expression faded and her eyes lit up as she began talking about her current botanical project to catalogue the native flora for potential pharmacological use. Selek allowed her to babble on. Humans enjoyed sharing their experiences and interests. Selek doubted her Vulcan colleagues would appreciate her vocal expressiveness. It was something Vulcans found difficult to understand. If a Vulcan wanted to share information, he or she would send all relevant documents and data files to the recipient's PADD or data account.

Even though Selek was listening attentively to her, part of him was distracted by personal speculations. Hermione Evans had secrets, larger ones than being telepathic and an Adept level healer. Sarek had also taken an unusual personal interest in her. True, she was a potential human daughter-in-law, but it did not excuse the circular verbal interplay between them whenever they met. Out of curiosity Selek had tried to detect and track any electronic communication between them and failed. Subtle attempts at 'reading' her had failed; her mind was too disciplined and well-structured.

Regardless, she had proven herself to be a very good healer and determined student. There had been some opposition, but no one could claim she was not a contributing member of the colony. In fact, there was quite some interest in her from the younger, more well-travelled males. Everyone knew Hermione Evans was more than just human, but no one was rude enough to ask her directly. Vulcans would follow the Rules of Privacy: observe, interpret, and draw conclusions. Selek was not so polite as to always follow the Rules, but he sensed Hermione was…fragile and still grieving, so he watched and waited.

He only hoped that when she was ready to move on, to form a romantic bond, she would choose Spock. From their conversations and his observations, Selek could clearly see that Hermione was loyal, devoted, and true. She did not trust or form ties lightly, but when she did, she would do anything for her friends. Just like Jim Kirk. He made a mental note to remind his younger counterpart to correspond more frequently. Spock would greatly benefit from having such devotion and support, even if they never bonded. It would not hurt to increase their familiarity with each other.

"Selek, there is something I'd like to tell you."

"What is it, Hermione?"

"I think you know half of it, that I am a bit of an oddity? A human being, a powerful Healer, and psi-talent?"

"You are an outlier, but I have seen other outliers in my life," Selek allowed.

She laughed, a brief, abrupt sound. "Well, I am more of an outlier than normal."

"How so?"

"Well, I was born and raised in twentieth-century Great Britain. I have no clue how I ended up in this time."

"Hermione, that is not too much of an oddity. I do not think you know, but the Narada was from a future, and she travelled more than a century into the past." Brown eyes twinkled. "I came from that same future as well, and I have no way to go back."

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Oh yes. I was born Spock cha'Sarek and served several decades in Starfleet before retiring to be an ambassador. If you feel out of place, imagine having a younger counterpart or working with people you 'know' are dead."

Hermione snorted. "All right, your situation is weirder than mine!"

Selek nodded. "I must agree. In fact, it was my own work as an Ambassador and certain choices I made that led to the Narada travelling into the past. The details are classified, and I cannot give you the details, but it is the truth. But please, never forget the Spock you know is not me. His life is very different from mine. In my universe, the Kelvin was not destroyed, Jim Kirk was raised by loving parents, George and Winona Kirk, Amanda Grayson died an old woman, Sarek died several decades later, and Vulcan was not destroyed."

"How extraordinary! Perhaps you would believe me then. Tell me, Selek, do you believe in magic?"

And what followed was a tale so extraordinary that Selek knew it had to be true; after all, truth was stranger than fiction. The Enterprise mission logs certainly proved that.

So he listened, occasionally asking questions for clarification and details to create a timeline and more complete model in his mind. She had been tense and wary at first, almost expecting him to denounce her as insane. When he didn't, she became more relaxed and willing to talk. Selek was a good listener, and he sensed that she needed one. She most likely hadn't been able to share the secrets of her abilities and past with anyone since she had been dropped in an alien place and time, a science-driven future Earth.

They only stopped to set out the food Selek had prepared and to eat it before resuming the conversation. By the time she slowed down and stopped talking, it was late, she was drooping in her chair, and Selek had plenty of food for thought.

After urging her to rest, the elderly Vulcan retreated to his own room to meditate and sort out all the new information he had been given.

There was something nagging him, like a splinter that was too small to be seen clearly. Something about the way she had found herself in the twenty-third century… Then it hit him.


"You rang, Captain Spock? Or should I call you Ambassador?"

Selek glared at the troublesome, jovial being. "You can call me Selek."

Q pouted. "But you are Spock!"


"Oh, all right! What do you want to know?"

"Hermione Evans."

"Oh, yes. One of my current projects." Q smirked. "All she told you was the truth. In fact, there are more truths that she has yet to share."

"Why did you transport her to the future?"

"Because she deserved a real chance."

Selek's brow furrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"

"If I had not acted, Hermione Jean Granger would have died in the Eugenics Wars. Her determination to protect those less able to would have attracted the wrong sort of attention. They would have found her and destroyed her, after ripping her mind and body apart."

Selek did not pale. Q's unexpected candidness did not hide his serious expression.

Satisfied he had the elderly Vulcan's complete attention, the omnipotent being continued.

"There is a great deal of her war experiences she has not shared, but believe me, she was one of the key players to support the focus of the less fanatical factions. Without her, Harry Potter would not have survived to win the war. She was at his side every step of the way, just like you backed Jim Kirk." Selek inclined his head, indicating comprehension. "Once she survived the war, her primary destiny was fulfilled. I acted to move her away before she could form more ties, before she married and had children. If she had formed such connections, she never would have adjusted to living in the future, in a scientific society," Q explained.

Selek did frown this time. "It was a cruel act, Q. You took her away from her entire world."

"If she had stayed, she would have given them her loyalty, and trust me, Selek, most of them were wastes of air and food," Q countered flatly. "Wizarding society was stagnant, prejudiced, narrow-minded, and ignorant. When the Eugenics Wars started, they dug deep holes and cowered inside them, protected by their wards and shields. The few with brains went out into the general populace to help the mundanes and blend in. Those who stayed in the Enclaves eventually died under nuclear bombardment. Hermione would have joined the resistance against Augments and Khan in the Eugenics Wars. She would have helped them win in the short run, but in the long run, their actions would have escalated the clashes and wiped out all life on Earth."

Selek bowed his head, remembering Edith Keeler. They had prevented Doctor McCoy from saving her because her influence would have eventually led to Germany winning World War II.

"But why this time? And this universe?" Selek wanted to know. "Why not during Archer's time, or even Picard's time?"

Q shrugged. "She would have been feared by Terra Prime factions when the Federation was first formed. And there was too much risk the Borg would prematurely discover and try to assimilate her in Picard's time. This universe is a fresh deck of cards."

"Sarek mentioned something about T'Pau being contacted by a Q. Was that you?"

"Yes. It is one of the key differences in this universe. Here, Sarek shared that knowledge with his son after the Kelvin was destroyed and there was the subsequent xenophobic backlash against Vulcanoid races. It was an attempt to remind his son, your younger counterpart, that there are some examples of humanity that are extraordinary."

"But why T'Pau?" Selek wanted to know. "She was a strong advocate for isolationism."

"Precisely! After the Kelvin, she could have succeeded in persuading the High Council to secede from the Federation. That would have been disastrous when the Borg comes. She had to see the worth in humanity, in the Federation."

"I don't see how you did it," Selek admitted. "T'Pau is very…stubborn."

Q smirked. "A bit of reverse psychology. I sang the praises of Hermione Granger's admirable attributes and abilities. And made a few throwaway remarks about how impossible it was for a Vulcan to have the necessary mental flexibility to match her intellect. That they would have to settle for an alliance at best. If they managed to find her."

Brown eyes widened in understanding. "You described Hermione as a prize."

"Of course! Because she is all that and more! She definitely knows it since she is the sole surviving trained adult mage in several quadrants. Take all you've seen of psi-powers, of Platonis, and multiply it fifty-fold because she is trained, disciplined, and experienced." Selek's eyes widened in dawning comprehension. "Until now, she had been utterly focused on safety and secrecy. Now that she has Vulcan's protection, she has relaxed enough to feel some obligation to her teachers and old world, to have mage-talented children and teach them what she knows."

Selek could not argue with that. There were nearly half a million Vulcans spread throughout the Federation, and they were all feeling the pressure to return to Hamlan, form bonds, bear and raise the next generation. He could only imagine how Hermione felt as the sole surviving human mage in a world and time that did not believe in magic.

As though reading his thoughts, Q continued, "She won't settle. She knows her worth and has done enough research to know she can fulfil biological obligations without settling for less. She will only accept a permanent partnership with one who sees her. Most of the Vulcans on this colony see her as a prize, a source of prestige and influence. You are among the few who see her as so much more."

Selek was silent for a while. "My younger self desires her."

"Then remind him to get to know Hermione Granger, the intellectual woman."

Selek nodded before asking the question that had been irking him.

"Why did you speak of her to Vulcans and then drop her off on Earth?"

"Earth would have exploited her, but Vulcans would have destroyed her emotionally," Q explained with a small smirk. "She needed to be cared for and have someone to care for, so I dropped her near young James Kirk. I honestly expected her to follow him to Starfleet Academy and meet Spock. I never thought it would take so long for her to bump into a Vulcan connected to Sarek. But she did do a good job of staying off the sensor grid," Q admitted grudgingly. "She avoided interacting with any groups that would have brought her into contact with non Vosh-katur. Her bioaura would have drawn too much interest."

"And now?"

"She is on her path. I'm more interested in watching than nudging since she has a better set of priorities than human males."

And with that, Q vanished, leaving behind a pensive hybrid considering the qualities of ruthlessness and compassion in a Q.


Hermione Evans smiled as she poured a glass of savke berry juice and settled down in a stuffed chair to peruse the latest news downloaded onto her PADD. She scanned the synopses. Most of the top stories were related to Starfleet and Federation politics. A few were on Vuhlkansu. She viewed those in full text/audio.

Around ninety minutes later, she put the PADD down. The news was reassuring, but she needed to confirm a few of the stories with Christopher and a few of her other contacts on Earth. She had a real home now on Hamlan. She owed a huge debt to the surviving Vulcans and was determined to act as needed to protect the colony.

There were moments when she wondered what would have happened if she had approached the Vulcans from the start, when she had first been dropped into this unfamiliar future. She probably would have been invited to study on the old home world. Could she have done something to prevent the planet's destruction? Or at least delayed it long enough for more to be evacuated? No, she most likely would have died like most of the Vulcan race.

She dashed away the tears and tried to redirect her thoughts to all that she had learnt of Vuhlkansu since Sarek had offered her a new home. It was not all pure science and logic; there was a great deal of mysticism in the past and present culture. She shuddered slightly, remembering her instructions from the reldai about katras. If any wizarding Dark Lord had discovered the secrets of fal-tor-pan, of refusion, it would have been disastrous! They could have created a clone, force-grown a new body using aging-potions, and moved their spirit into it. But then again, perhaps some dark wizard had tried, failed, and died.

She sipped her juice, trying to not think of the magical world. It was gone, forever beyond her reach. Hermione knew she would drive herself insane clinging to a futile hope. So instead, she thought of the friends she had made in the new world in which she had found herself.

James Kirk, who had finally found a place that allowed him to grow and thrive into the man she knew he could be. She had first met him running away after his return from Tarsus IV, mentally scarred and nearly broken. Her gut instinct had been to contact the local authorities, but the feral look in his eyes had reminded her of Harry: starved, abused, fearful, broken, betrayed. Unable to do what everyone else had done to him, she took him with her. They had spent five months travelling together before the LEOs spotted him and forced him to go back to Iowa. Hermione had tried to stay in contact, but Winona Kirk had threatened to charge her for statutory rape, even though her relationship with James had been anything but sexual. They were simply two wounded souls clinging to each other for comfort.

Unable to tolerate staying on Earth without contacting the teen, Hermione had boarded the first transport she could afford to a non-Federation human world. It was there that she first met Christopher Pike, a senior officer on his third mission out. His ship had been sent to help when a local virus had mutated into something more dangerous. He had rescued her from the lynch mob of locals who had accused her of sabotage because the low-income settlers who had gone to her had had a better survival rate than the wealthy who had gone to the expensive hospitals. It was then that she decided to be even more selective in whom she treated.

Christopher and James had led her to Spock, who had introduced her to Sarek. Sarek, who had given her what she needed in a new home: privacy, acceptance, and safety. Oh, it was not perfect; there were still a few Vulcan bigots who looked down on non-Vulcans, but they would never harass her or attack her physically. It was not logical. They were easily avoidable and ignorable. She had more than proven her worth as a healer and researcher since she joined the colony. That had put her in the peculiar, unfamiliar position of being sought after. As a spouse.

A slight frown creased her brow as she refilled her cup and sipped the green liquid. There were many courting her, some in the formal Vulcan manner, others in the more subtle human way. She had politely declined all of them, saying she was not considering any offers at the time. But now she was at a crossroads. They knew some of what she was capable of and wanted her, to add her power to future generations. But Hermione was wary. Bonding for power or prestige alone was not wise. Vulcan spouses were bonded mentally, and Hermione had no idea if her magic and psyche could integrate into such a bond.

It would be easier if she trusted the person she was marrying. And loved. Hermione was a witch and human and not willing to give up her emotions. She could accept the Vulcan way of public stoicism and emotional control, but she was not willing to marry without love or, at very least, caring. Hermione knew she would be under more pressure to make a choice, but if she had to choose, she would prefer one who had proven he could love and care for a human: Sarek, Selek, or Spock.

That same evening after dinner, she put the question to Selek.


"Selek, would you be willing to marry me?"

The elderly Vulcan put down his cup of spiced tea and folded his hands in his lap.

"May I ask what has brought this unexpected question on?"

Hermione fidgeted with the hem of her tunic before looking up.

"Sapek asked me to marry him yesterday."


"And Stovik the week before."

"Go on."

Unable to still herself, she jumped up from her seat and began pacing around the room.

"About ten weeks ago, I noticed a slight change in the behaviour of a few males I am acquainted with. The first proposal was from my colleague, Venhr, around six weeks ago. The next was from Varen. So far, seven Vulcans have proposed to me. Somehow I don't think it is going to stop."

Selek blinked. "You have several young, vigorous suitors, and yet you have chosen to propose to this old Vulcan instead of picking one of them?" he ended on a humorous note.

Hermione stopped and turned to look straight at the elderly Vulcan. "I don't want to marry a Vulcan who refuses to love a human."

Selek went very still. "Hermione…"

"From what I've managed to determine, only you, Sarek, and Spock have admitted to caring for human women. Sarek married one and is still grieving Amanda's death, Spock was devastated when he lost his mother, and you clearly aren't afraid of hiding that you care."

"Hermione-kam..." Selek patted the cushion next to him. "Sit next to me."

He watched as she obeyed, twisting her fingers together in her lap.

"Look at me," he ordered softly. Gold-flecked brown eyes met his obediently. Selek was reminded of Jim, his Jim. "I am too old for you Hermione-kam." He raised his hand to cut off her protest. "I am old and tired. You have a long life ahead of you. Humans easily live into their hundreds with modern medicine. With magic, you are likely to live past one hundred fifty. You are my daughter, my granddaughter, not a potential mate." She nodded once, accepting his words. Satisfied, Selek continued, "And you are correct. Sarek is grieving. Amanda's death was premature and completely unexpected. It will be several months before his psyche has recovered from the trauma of the broken bond." She closed her eyes and bowed her head. Sarek's condition was unarguable to a healer, especially one as sensitive as Hermione. "Spock… Spock is hurting, but he is the one most ready to accept love and a bondmate." Seeing the questions in her eyes, he continued, "I am not certain how much you know of Spock."

She blushed slightly. "I do correspond with him, mainly on scientific matters, but most of what I know is from James or public databases." She hesitated before quickly adding, "Spock confuses me. When we first met, I thought he was interested, but I must have guessed wrong because he's never indicated differently in our correspondence."

Selek considered her words before speaking slowly. "Spock was an instructor when he met Nyota Uhura. She was a cadet at the time, but they formed a friendship, nothing romantic, as it would have been improper."

Hermione snorted softly. "I don't know, Selek. According to Jim, Nyota Uhura spends a great deal of time with Spock. He's probably interested in her now that she isn't his student."

"Perhaps at one time, but no longer."

Hermione sat up straight. "You know something!" she accused the elderly Vulcan.

Selek smirked. "I know a lot of things. What would you like to know?"

"Is Spock interested in someone?"


"Who?" Selek stared at Hermione. "Me?" Her voice was incredulous. "But he can do so much better than me," she murmured, old self-conscious fears coming to the fore.

Selek snorted softly. "Hermione-kam, you have several Vulcan suitors seeking your favour. Humans might look for attractiveness in a mate, but Vulcans seek mental compatibility."

Hermione pounced on the minor diversion. "That's another thing. All those Vulcans asking to marry me, how do they know we'd be compatible in the first place?"

"They don't. If you consent, the next step would be to meld to confirm compatibility and to set up a betrothal bond."

Hermione fidgeted. "I don't want to marry them," she confessed. "I don't love them."

"Love can grow out of trust, respect, and caring."

"The only thing I feel for them is respect."

"And what about Spock?"

Hermione hesitated. She stared at her knees before looking up. "I respect and trust him," she admitted. "I don't know if I care for him." Selek raised an eyebrow and gave her a sceptical look. "Oh, alright, I care for him! I hate it when James tells me Spock was hurt and doesn't give any details."

"So, would you be interested in finding out if you are compatible with Spock?" Hermione was silent while she considered the question. Selek did not wait for an answer but continued speaking. "Spock is hurting, as are all Vulcans. He is still struggling to move past Amanda's death. It will not be easy, being his bondmate. He is damaged."

Hermione snorted softly. "We are all damaged, Selek; some more than others." Her expression was pensive as she remembered her experience in the war and the aftermath. "I have lots of experience with damaged souls. I don't expect perfect control as long as he doesn't expect it of me."

Selek inclined his head. "Then clearly indicate your interest to Spock. When I was younger, I was rather oblivious to feminine interests. I was always more interested in science and my research. I do not expect Spock to be much different."

Hermione smiled slightly. "Perhaps I will."


That evening she sat down in her bed with her PADD, trying to decide the best way to introduce the subject.

After starting and deleting several messages, she finally decided to wing it.

To: Commander Spock, XO & CSO, U.S.S. Enterprise, Star Fleet, U.F.P.

From: Hermione Evans, Healers Guild, New Shi'Khar, Hamlan, U.F.P.


I hope you are in good health. I apologize in advance for the sensitive topic and the personal nature of this message, but I am following the advice of a Vulcan I consider a friend. I believe you know him as Selek.

In the aftermath of Vulcan's destruction, Vulcans have been traumatized by violently severed bonds. During the last few months, many unbonded Vulcans have been pairing up in anticipation of the Fires, and this has highlighted a disturbing fact about the surviving Vulcan population: there is a shortage of Vulcan females. A significant percentage of the females who survived the destruction are either bonded or too young. There have been efforts to encourage matches with other Vulcanoid races, such as the Rigellans. In the past few weeks, several of my male colleagues have indicated their interest in having a more personal relationship with me. It appears that they consider a human Healer and psi-talent an acceptable mate, given the current gender imbalance in the Vulcan race.

I do not wish to be an acceptable mate. Call it human emotionalism, but then again, I am human. I want to be loved and cherished. I will settle for trust, respect, care, and someone who will accept me, human emotions and all. Very few Vulcans fall into that category, though I would prefer a Vulcan mate, since I like living in New Shi'Khar. I like Healing and exercising some of my other, lesser-known skills.

Selek is the one who pointed you out as a potential bondmate, one who would not scorn me for my emotionalism. He asked if I was interested, and I thought long and hard about it before deciding I was. He then said I should contact you directly.

If you are already in a committed relationship or not interested, please reply indicating so. If you are uncomfortable and wish to end our correspondence, I will understand. I will not take any offence since I am not in love with you, only seeking a compatible partner.

If you are interested in exploring the potential of a relationship with me, then please say so. I do not expect our potential courtship to be quick or trouble-free, given your posting on the Enterprise and my work on Hamlan, but I am willing to try, if you could consider me as more than a friend, as a bondmate.

Awaiting your response,



Several hours later, Commander Spock returned to his quarters after a double shift on the bridge and in the science labs. After a sonic shower, he dressed in his meditation robes and checked his personal terminal for any messages and notifications before his usual evening meditation session.

There was one personal message that caught his attention. From Hermione Evans. He opened it and quickly scanned the electronic text-only correspondence. His mind hit on several key points.

She was being courted by other males.

She was not interested in them.

Selek had pointed Spock out as an alternative who would not ridicule her for her emotions.

She was interested in him.

Something tight inside him unclenched. His counterpart had done as he had promised in his last communiqué.

Spock picked up a stylus to draft out a response. His meditation session could be deferred. This was more important.


Doctor Leonard McCoy, like most of the Enterprise crew, was looking forward to the highly anticipated downtime on Earth. The Enterprise was due for an upgrade scheduled to take two months, and McCoy had already made plans for his time off. After one week in San Fran doing paperwork, the usual debriefings and meetings, and going over the list of expected upgrades in Medical, Leonard McCoy was going to Georgia.

"Hey Bones, got any plans?"

McCoy smirked. "What do you think, Jim?" he drawled sarcastically.

Jim Kirk made a face. "You're going to Georgia."

McCoy nodded. "Georgia to see Joanna. If you want to hear something different, ask the hobgoblin." The doctor jerked his chin at Spock, sitting across from them in the mess hall.

Spock pointedly refused to respond, seemingly riveted by his Greek salad.

Jim ignored the tension and turned to his First Officer. "So, Spock, any plans for your downtime?"

The Vulcan reluctantly looked up and answered, "I plan on spending my leave on Hamlan."

Kirk blinked. "Interesting. I'm going to Hamlan myself."

McCoy goggled. "You are? Why on earth do you want to go to that dust bowl? You'll shrivel up and die of heat stroke!"

Jim turned to his CMO and blinked innocently. "I'm visiting an old friend."

McCoy's expression turned suspicious. "Which old friend?"


The doctor relaxed, then stiffened after processing the response. "Wait a second, she's living in the new colony?"


"What's she doing there? I thought surface access was being limited to preserve Vulcan culture and traditions."

Jim shrugged. "She has Vulcan citizenship, and she's a certified practicing Healer in New Shi'Khar."

McCoy grumbled almost inaudibly under his breath, something about voodoo witch doctors that Jim pointedly ignored. He did not want to pick a fight with Bones about Mia's talents and medical expertise. So, he looked at the other occupant of the table and was struck by Spock's expression, or, to be more accurate, his careful non-expression.

"Spock, do you know anything about Mia?"

"Please specify what you wish to know, Captain. I have corresponded quite extensively with her over the past two years on a variety of topics."

Jim eyed his First Officer. Mia had never mentioned anything about an extensive correspondence with Spock; just that she had kept in touch with him.

"Curious. She hasn't said anything about you to me."

Now Jim knew something was going on. Spock just smirked at him. Sure, it was a rather brief smirk before his face returned to its usual bland mask, but Jim knew smirks and that was a smirk!

"You're hiding something from me, Spock…"

The Vulcan simply raised a brow. "I am hiding a great deal from you, Captain. Please specify what exactly you believe I am hiding."

Jim slammed his hand down. "That's it! What's going on between you and Mia?"

Spock stared at him before answering, "We are…friends."

Blue eyes narrowed. "Friends, huh?" Spock did not respond. Jim thought hard. Something was up with Mia. Her communiqués had become more tailored the last few months, almost as though she were hiding something. It was why he was going to Hamlan to see her instead of staying on Earth. Maybe Spock knew what was going on with her. "She's been rather tight-lipped in her messages. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was seeing someone."

Spock blinked. "It is possible, Captain. There are many unattached males on Hamlan." But she is interested in me, not them, he added silently to himself.

Jim considered the idea and shook his head. "She did mention being asked out, but she declined because she wasn't interested."

McCoy snorted softly. "Jimmy-boy, it's every woman's prerogative to change her mind if she feels like it. She probably doesn't want you to get on her case about her boyfriend."

Jim made a face. "She's like my sister. If she has a boyfriend, I need to know so that I can threaten him!"

Spock quickly rose, picking up his tray and stepped over to the recycler. The Captain was very intuitive for a human. He did not want to reveal that he was said boyfriend.

Jim watched his First Officer leave without a word and wondered when Spock would really open up to him. Sure, he had relaxed quite a bit since the start of the mission, but it was nowhere close to the legendary friendship Selek had alluded to. Selek! Selek could help. He would know or could find out what was going on. Jim made a mental note to contact the elderly Vulcan and ask him what was up with Mia.


Unfortunately, Selek turned out to be rather slippery and adept at deflecting Jim's queries.

The elderly Vulcan smiled slightly and pointedly refused to answer any questions about Mia's love life, citing the Rules of Privacy.

Jim snorted. "So, what can you tell me?"

"Nothing about Hermione's personal relationships. However, we are scheduled to arrive on Earth three days before the Enterprise is due."

Jim grinned. "That's great, Selek! Any particular reason why both of you are going to Earth?"

"I am required to make a presentation to the Admiralty. Hermione asked to join me; she will be finalizing some orders and deliveries that cannot be done electronically."

Jim nodded. "Probably some of her less orthodox contacts," he murmured.

Selek did not say anything because he suspected (and Jim knew) that Hermione's less orthodox contacts were heavily involved in smuggling and other illegal activities.

Jim smiled, a smaller, warmer expression. "Hope the admirals don't make your life difficult. Just remind Mia to keep a few evenings and days free so that all of us can hang out."

Selek responded with a similar expression. "I will." He raised his hand, fingers spread into the ta'al. "Live long and prosper."

Jim nodded. "You too, old friend. See you on Earth."


McCoy glared at the lean figure sitting two chairs away from him. Sure, Jim was providing a buffer space, but there was something about the Vulcan-Human hybrid that got McCoy's goat. Unfortunately, Spock was more interested in the contents of his PADD than responding to McCoy's attempts at picking a fight, so the doctor turned to his best friend.

"What's he doing here?"

Jim looked away from the display screen listing arrival and departure times of various public and chartered intercontinental shuttle routes.


McCoy scowled and repeated his question. "What's the hobgoblin doing here?"

Jim frowned faintly. He did not like it when people close to him did not get along.

"Spock? He's waiting for the ambassador."

McCoy blinked. "Ambassador Sarek? Why on earth would he be on a public shuttle? Besides, didn't you tell me we're meeting that witch friend of yours?"

Now it was Jim's turn to scowl. "Bones! I told you not to call her that! Call her Miss Evans if you can't bring yourself to call her Healer Evans. And it's Ambassador Selek, not Sarek."

McCoy frowned faintly and nodded. Satisfied, Jim turned to his First Officer.

"You never told me why you agreed to join me," he noted thoughtfully. "You usually avoid Selek like the plague."

Spock blinked. "I do not avoid him like the plague," he protested mildly.

Jim waved his hand. "Sure, you do. You correspond with him but always through delayed messages, never live or in person. You avoided him whenever he was onboard." He leaned back, eyeing the other male shrewdly. "In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were here to meet Mia." Spock did not say anything. Blue eyes widened in dawning comprehension. "I'm right, aren't I?" It was more of a statement than a question. "You're waiting for Mia." Jim noted the careful way Spock avoided meeting his eyes. "You like her!"

McCoy blinked, confused by this unexpected change in topic. "Don't be silly, Jim! Spock has ice water in his veins. There's no way he'd be interested in a self-proclaimed witch!" he scoffed. And was taken aback by the fierce, angry glare directed his way. By Spock.

"Doctor McCoy, you may be narrow-minded and ignorant of the more subtle, advanced aspects of an evolved mind, but do not presume that I am! The single Adept-class Healer to escape Vulcan's destruction accepted her as a student and certified her as a Master in eight Standard months. The only reason she is a Master and not an Adept is her lack of supervised experience. That will come in time."

Both humans stared at the Vulcan, McCoy shocked and Jim grinning, pleased.

"No denials, huh?" This time Spock met his Captain's eyes directly, calmly. Jim nodded. "I see you haven't said my conclusion is false." McCoy refocused his attention on the younger man. Jim did not break eye contact with Spock. "Bones, you know everyone says Vulcans can't lie. Strictly speaking, it's not true; Vulcans can evade, imply, misdirect, and lie by omission. But they cannot, will not speak a lie." He tilted his head to one side. "Mr Spock, I believe you are interested in Mia, on a personal, more than platonic level."

Spock inclined his head, acknowledging the hit, but not saying anything.

Jim huffed. "Just don't hurt her, Spock."

"That is not my intention."


McCoy looked at the two men, first at Jim, then at Spock, then at Jim again.

"Wait a second, you mean the theoretical boyfriend you were going on about is Spock?"


"And that's it? What happened to your plans to beat up the boyfriend?"

Jim's expression turned amused. "Bones, Spock nearly strangled me once. I don't see how I can beat him up without getting put into traction!" Then he smirked. "I'll just get Pike to threaten him." McCoy groaned. Jim turned serious. "Besides, I don't think I have to worry too much if Spock is Mia's boyfriend."

That comment confused the doctor. "Why?"

Jim's response was succinct. "Vulcans don't cheat on or lie to their partners. Nor do they have casual relationships." He turned to Spock. "In fact, I have a feeling this relationship is more serious than a long-distance one."

Spock inclined his head. "You are correct, Captain."

Jim sighed, exasperated. "Call me Jim," he corrected firmly. "If you marry Mia, I'm going to be the closest thing you have to a brother-in-law."

The Vulcan's lips quirked into a faint smile. "As you wish. James."

Jim huffed. "Jim."


"It's Jim. Jim, not James."

"James," Spock countered blandly.

The younger male glared, but the Vulcan was not put off.

Jim sighed and gave in. Spock could be more stubborn than a mule, and Jim had learnt to pick and choose his battles. This one was not worth the effort required.

"Oh, alright! You can call me James. Like Mia."

Leonard McCoy was not an easy man to shock, but this was too much to handle! The Enterprise had been to Hamlan only twice since the mission began. As far as he could determine, Jim had introduced Mia Evans to him and Spock around the same time, when they were on Earth after the Narada's destruction. There was no way Spock could or would have hooked up with her in the aftermath! Long-distance relationships happened after a couple got together, not before!

He shook his head. "I don't get it, Spock, you do some mind voodoo and that healing trance thing, but why are you interested in her? A human who openly says she's a witch? It doesn't seem very logical or scientific."

Something feral flashed in Spock's dark brown eyes. McCoy was instantly reminded of what happened the last time Spock lost all control; he nearly strangled Jim before marooning the then-cadet on Delta Vega. His words reaffirmed McCoy's fears.

"Doctor McCoy, logic and control is restraint for Vulcan emotions that are more volatile and intense than those experienced by humans. Science is what we use to measure and describe the universe around us, but we do not deny that there are things that cannot currently be completely explained or predicted by science, things that have to do with the mind and the katra. We are a telepathic race and are very familiar with various psi and esper talents. It is not something to be feared or rejected. Several centuries ago, any human with such talents would be called a witch or some variation of magic-user. Even you, a scientifically trained doctor, call healing trances and mind melds 'voodoo.' Hermione Evans is simply using a term with which she is familiar."

McCoy retreated, falling into a pensive silence at the blunt response. Jim, too, did not speak, unwilling to choose a side. Spock re-directed his attention to his PADD. Some time later Spock looked up.

"The shuttle from Paris is due to land in six point four minutes."

Jim looked up at the display screen. Spock was right, as usual. The three men moved to the correct arrival bay waiting room and chose to stand within sight of Gateway 215.

The young captain forced himself to stand slightly angled to get a better view of Spock, not the arrival archway. Sure, he wanted to see Mia again, but he wanted to see Spock's reaction to her even more. So, he did not turn away when the computer announced the Paris shuttle's arrival and disembarking. He watched as Spock put away his PADD and began looking for a particular someone in the crowd leaving the shuttle.

Then he saw it. Something warm in the usually cool, distant dark brown eyes. The half-step forward, caught and subdued. The almost unnoticeable clenching and unclenching of fists resting alongside long legs clad in wide-legged charcoal grey trousers, topped by a matching tailored, mid-thigh-length jacket. Like Jim and Bones, Spock had chosen to wear civilian clothes instead of his Starfleet uniform. A sure sign, given Spock's preference for wearing the regulation uniform, even when off-duty.


As much as he wanted to see Spock's reaction, Jim couldn't stop his instinctive reflex to turn towards the familiar, beloved voice.

McCoy couldn't help but smile, seeing the bright, blindingly eager smile on his best friend's face.


The Georgian-born and bred doctor turned to see what his friend was seeing.

Standing a few steps into the waiting room from Gateway 215 was a familiar elderly Vulcan dressed in heavy reddish-brown formal robes. At his side was a shorter curvy female figure dressed in similar formal robes dyed forest green. McCoy couldn't see the colour of her hair or her ears, as both were hidden beneath the dove grey scarf wrapped around her head.

Jim took five steps forward to meet the shorter female running towards him, catching her up in a tight embrace, her hands pressed against the young man's back to draw him close. She was murmuring something soft, almost inaudible, in some foreign tongue that Jim understood because he responded in the same language. Reluctantly, he released her and stepped back, gripping the underside of her forearms, a grip she mimicked on Jim.

The translucent scarf wrapped around Hermione Evans' head covered her hair and ears and framed her creamy oval face. The high, smooth brow was adorned with a silver diadem studded with crystals and other semi-precious clear, black, and purple stones.

She smiled up at Jim, an expression that made her ordinary face eye-catching, and patted his cheek with her white-gloved hand.

"You have lost weight and look weary, James. You will rest, and when you are ready, I will listen."

He gripped both her hands in his and raised them to his forehead, a ritualistic gesture.

"I do not wish to burden you," he murmured with an oddly vulnerable look in his eye.

"I would not have offered to listen if I did not mean it," she countered gently but firmly. "But first, you must rest and meditate. Have you kept up with your forms?"

Jim nodded. "Yes. I try to practice at least once a week."

She nodded firmly. "Good. I will observe and correct any bad habits you might have picked up before teaching you any new forms." She glanced over her shoulder at her elderly companion, who had made his way towards them. "Selek has agreed to put you up during your leave."

Jim blinked. "Won't that be a little crowded, Mia?" he inquired dubiously. "I've lived in pre-fab units before, and they are rather constricted."

Hermione smirked. "I made some adjustments to the interior space."

Blue eyes widened in shock. "You didn't!" he hissed softly, torn between awe and fear.

She tossed her head back and lifted one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. "I did."

Jim turned to look at Selek with a pleading expression. "Tell me she didn't!"

Selek's expression did not change, though his eyes warmed. "She was…discreet. And her adjustments were most welcome. New couples and families have higher priority for newly built private housing."

McCoy was confused, and he wanted to know what kind of adjustments they were talking about. Before he could speak, she turned towards Spock with a more composed expression before speaking in Vulcan.

McCoy cursed, wishing he had a Universal Translator unit on hand.


Hermione turned away from James, her attention automatically drawn to the quiet, still figure standing a few feet away. Hesitantly, her eyes lifted to meet dark brown eyes, and she was shocked by the strong response he invoked in her. She moved to stand before him, raising both hands, gloved palms up.

"I greet thee, Spahk cha'Sarek."

He inclined his head gravely before responding in the same archaic dialect. "And I thee, Hermione cha'Daniel."

Slowly, he raised his hands and placed them palm down over hers. His much larger appendages completely covered hers. She could feel the warmth of him through the thin silk of her gloves. Then his fingertips brushed over her inner wrists, touching bare skin where her gloves ended.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she gasped softly, feeling him inside her mind, lingering over some thoughts, moving quickly over others. He was seeking her current impressions and thoughts, not her memories. Deftly she directed him towards what he was seeking. His mind touch was deft and gentle, inquiring, not invasive. She felt no distaste towards her physical and emotional reactions and thoughts. A welcome change from telepathic experiences she'd had before she started wearing close-fitting jumpsuits and silk gloves to avoid skin-on-skin contact.

She opened her eyes and peeked up through thick lashes. He was not visibly smiling, but she could feel it inside her. His curiosity and interest and hope, tinged with worry and fear. She felt the urge to reassure him that she was not stringing him along with false hope to publicly humiliate him. Selek had told her of T'Pring, and if the bitch had survived the destruction, Hermione would have given her the same treatment she'd given Umbridge.

She moved her hands away from his without looking away. Keeping eye-contact, she stripped off her gloves and stuffed them inside her sleeves before reaching out for his hands. Without giving him the chance to protest, she touched his fingertips with hers, deliberately lowering her barriers, allowing him to feel her joy, eagerness, impatience, all laced with her own fears and self-doubt.

For a moment she feared he was going to pull away, but then his fingers shifted, lacing with hers. Experimentally, she reached out, trying to get a sense of his feelings. Concern, wariness, anticipation, curiosity, and underneath all that, the undeniable yearning for something more, an anchor, a support, a stabilizer, understanding. Hermione smiled. She could give him that.

Her fingers tightened around his as she focused on that thought and spoke out loud.

"If thee art willing, I shall be all that and more."

Brown eyes widened slightly in shock. Hermione smiled faintly. "My people are not mind-blind as most humans. It will have an effect on any bond we choose to make."

He inclined his head. "I look forward to finding out."

Reluctantly she disengaged her fingers from his and tucked her hands into her sleeves as she stepped back and composed her expression into something distant and cool.

"Doctor McCoy. I cannot say it is a pleasure to see you again."

She ignored his grumbles, turning to the old Vulcan standing behind her. "Would thou object?"

Selek looked visibly amused as he responded in Standard, "No. I am sure James can keep this old Vulcan company."

She steeled herself and turned towards Jim. The tight knot in her loosened once she saw his expression: pensive, bittersweet, accepting.

"I did not start out intending this," she whispered.

He stepped forward and hugged her. "I didn't think so." He stepped back and looked her in the eye. "Few people do."

"Does this bother you?"

Jim made a face. "I'm your brother, Mia. Of course it bothers me! But when I think of all the dicks out there you could have hooked up with…Spock is a prince." He turned to catch Spock's eye with a serious expression. "I'm not going to ask because I know Vulcans don't play around. Just…just…." He heaved a deep breath. "Just be careful with her. Emotionally, I mean."

Spock bowed his head. "I will."

Jim nodded firmly. "Good." He glanced around. "Do you have any plans? I'm getting this feeling Mia's on Earth to see you, not me."

Hermione huffed and punched the blond man in the bicep.

"Oww." He winced theatrically. "Was I wrong?"

She shook her head.

"So there." He looked at Spock. "Why don't the two of you catch up? Selek can get me and Bones up to speed on what's been happening."

Hermione beamed and stepped away, reaching out to grab Spock's covered forearm.

"Great! We'll catch up with you guys at the hotel for dinner. If you want to eat out, feel free to make reservations at any place with a good vegetarian menu!" She looked up at the tall Vulcan standing next to her. "Come. I did some research and made a list of places to visit." And then she began walking, forcing the Vulcan she was holding onto to follow or be dragged along.

Jim resisted the urge to sigh as he watched them leave. He saw her grip on Spock's forearm slide down towards his wrist until her fingers laced with his, her palm pressed against his.

"Why do I have the urge to look away, Selek?"

The elderly Vulcan moved to stand beside him, also watching the couple walk away.

"Because you have good instincts, James."

"They're doing the Vulcan equivalent of making out, aren't they?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes. Hand holding is the Vulcan equivalent of kissing." Selek cocked his head. "In fact, their current actions are the equivalent of light pornography on Vulcan."

Jim nearly choked. McCoy did choke and cough and sputter, trying to clear his airways.

For a brief instant, Selek was concerned he would have to restrain his young friend from chasing down his First Officer and beating him up for making out with his heart-sister.

Then, Jim shook his head like a wet dog and laughed. "Oh, hell! It isn't like I haven't done it myself!" He grinned at the ambassador. "Why don't you get me caught up with what's been happening on Hamlan? The unofficial side of things."

Selek inclined his head. "That is agreeable. In exchange, I wish to hear the unofficial side of your missions."

Jim nodded. "You're on." He reached out to grab McCoy's sleeve. "Come on, Bones. You look like you could use a drink."

McCoy snorted. "Hell, I need more than a drink, I need the whole bottle!" He looked over his shoulder at the disappearing couple, and a sly smile curved his lips. "Hey, Selek, do you think Spock will be putting in the request for shared quarters anytime soon?"


"Just asking, Jim."

"I do not believe so, Leonard. Hermione is very engrossed in her current pharmaceutical research on Hamlan. Perhaps in a few years, Fires permitting."




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fdom. harrypotter, fdom. st-aos, ffic q's gift, char.st nu!kirk, char.st nu!spock, char.st spock!prime, ffic, xover-hp-st, char.st mccoy, fdom. st-tng, char.st q, char.hp hermione, pair. hermione/spock

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