
Nov 26, 2013 23:06

So I've been quiet today, and I apologize for not sharing this sooner, but I just could not wake up today to a torrent of sympathy.  I just could not take it.

Fish died last night (Monday, that is).  She was only about 9 years old, and she hadn't been showing any signs of distress.  She was her usual fat, bitchy self.  But around 10 pm I went into my room and she was curled up on my winter jacket, like she often does when I put it somewhere she can get to it.  She looked like she was just sacked out, and I paused to rub her tummy.  She just rolled over bonelessly and I thought 'man, she is really asleep'.  But a few more shakes proved that she was not asleep, she was just dead.

No idea what happened.  I'm assuming a heart attack or something similar, since she went so fast she didn't even wake up.  She wasn't in any kind of pain or discomfort, since she was a hider and she would have hidden had that been the case.  Just. . . one of those things.

We thought about taking her to be cremated, but I didn't want to take her away and leave her.  Instead I just went and dug a big hole in the backyard near my window.  We wrapped her in a towel and I laid her in the hole and we buried her.  Now I have to adjust to her being gone.  She wasn't a constant companion or anything, but she was the cat who was more my cat than the others.  She was the one who came to me for love, the one who crawled into bed with me every night and provided farts and finger-bites.  She was my friend, and I will miss her.
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