Title: When Awful Darkness and Silence Reign
Prompt Set: Various #2
Prompt: #005: Nightmare
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Author's Notes: 526 words. The title comes from The Dong With a Luminous Nose, by Edward Lear (1812-1888)
It was the same every night.
Every night Kyle found himself surrounded by darkness - darkness that was somehow alive, that slithered and flowed around him and over him while he screamed and sobbed and tried desperately to get away from it. The darkness was strong as well though, and held him fast where he stood.
Where it touched his bare skin, it felt ice-cold and left him feeling numb.
It wanted to smother him; when he opened his mouth to scream, it would try to flow down his throat and choke him, and so after a while Kyle learned to keep his mouth shut, regardless of what happened or how much he wanted to cry out.
Even when he heard the other voices.
He didn’t recognise them, but they felt somehow familiar to him all the same. A man and two women, screaming in pain and fear, begging for mercy. Sometimes Kyle tried to find them, fighting against the darkness binding him, but it was always too strong and he couldn’t see a damn thing anyway. And wherever he was warped sound, so he couldn’t tell whether the other screams were coming from his left or his right, in front of him or behind.
Eventually the screams would cut off and be replaced by soft, wet ripping sounds. The coppery smell of blood would begin to fill the air, stating exactly what had happened to the unseen people, and Kyle would wonder when it was going to be his turn.
As if reading his mind, the darkness holding him would slip away at that point, leaving him able to move again for a few brief moments, even if he still could not see. Before he could try to do anything about it, however, a hand would grab him about the chin and held him fast once more. The hand was strong and cold, albeit not as cold as the darkness that had covered him.
Hot breath would suddenly be against his ear, a stark contrast to the almost freezing touches of everything else so far which made him shudder.
“Little brother,” a voice would hiss into his ear. “Dear little brother. What am I going to do with you?”
Kyle always wakes up screaming at this point, sheets tangled around his body where he had been twisting and thrashing in his sleep, and his body clammy with sweat. Sometimes he has to stumble quickly to the bathroom to be sick, after which he returns to his bed and sits hugging his knees to his chest and shaking. Even having all the lights in the room on does little to ease his fear, and it takes hours for Kyle to be able to go back to sleep, if he is even able to manage it at all.
Nothing makes the nightmares go away, either - alcohol and various drugs from prescription sleeping pills all the way up to, on one occasion, heroin, all did nothing. The dream still comes to him every night without fail.
Kyle has had the same nightmare every night for four years now, and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping any time soon.