Title: Of Love and Friendship
Category: Smallville
Genre: Friendship/Romance/Humor/Action/Drama
Ship: Chloe/Oliver
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 8,437
Spoiler(s): 6x07 - Rage
Summary: (AU) Chloe Sullivan grew up in Star City, California with high hopes of becoming a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, but destiny has other plans. Finding a best friend in
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Comments 48
Really really great job on this fic- cant wait for the next chapter!
(I know that when this story comes to an end the first thing Im going to do is grab a hot chocolate or two and read from start to finish! - Thank you for taking the time to write and post
Ok, now the squealing is over I have a couple of things to say, thankfully they're all good : )
Firstly, I know I've said it before but the way your playing Clark in this is just brilliant. I love the way Chloe's opinion of him changes depending on what he's doing and I love how Clark seem to think he's right going to Chloe when there's something wrong with Oliver but doesn't listen when she tells him to back off.
Next the emotions you dragged from this episode are astounding. I wish I had the ability to write and play with them the way you do in this. One minute I'm laughing, then I'm crying then I'm angry, it's like I'm on the emotional rollercoaster that they're on at the same time.
Finally I'm very glad that Oliver has finally realised how deep his love for Chloe does run and that he had the good sense not to mention it.
Now for a couple of little things - I love the title for the next chapter, especially the confusing feelings part, and I can't wait to see where you take it. I still love the fact ( ... )
They are already acting out like a couple so why not make it like officially. Oliver needs to step up his game and try to make the little blond see what is infront of her and make her see that what she is looking for is there infront of her all along.
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