Title: The War of Fate
Series: Fate - Part II of III
Category: Smallville/Supernatural
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama/Humor/Action
Ship: Chloe/Dean
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 5,431
Warning(s): A lot of swearing in this chapter.
Summary: Following the loss of his brother, Dean vows to keep his promise and live the apple-pie life with Chloe, but God has other
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Comments 21
Oh, and I have a feeling that Dean is not going to be letting Chloe go on any hunts anytime soon. If Devin looks them up later and joins then Chloe is definitely back on strickly research detail.
Chloe and Bobby together are still awesome. And it works how they haven't quite gotten the teamwork/fighting together down pat.
And the sheer angst in the last few lines made me uber happy. Cannot wait for the next instalment. Thank you for posting.
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