Title: Interruptions
sxymami0909 Category: Smallville
Genre: Humor/Romance
Ship: Chloe/Oliver, Mia
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
Mia looked between them worriedly. "Did I just interrupt something?"
"What are you doing here?" Oliver asked, brows furrowed.
"Never mind that. No, Mia. You didn't interrupt anything." Turning on her heel quickly, Chloe called back, "I was just leaving."
"Wait!" Oliver watched after her, shoulders slumping as she disappeared from sight.
"I definitely interrupted something..." Mia bit her lip. "Do over?"
He glanced at her before rolling his eyes. "You're fast, Mia, but you don't have the power to turn back time."
"True," she agreed, nodding hurriedly. "But I can catch up to her and convince her to give you another chance... regardless of whatever stupid thing you said or did!" Walking backwards, she grinned teasingly.
"Hey! Who said it was my fault?" he argued, frowning.
She snorted. "Take my advice, Oliver. Own your mistake and get the girl." Hands on her hips, she cocked her head. "The alternative means any amount of time without Chloe... and we both know you go through Tiny Blonde Withdrawal with painful accuracy."
He pursed his lips at her and then waved a hand, as if telling her to go get Chloe back.
"Good idea, boss." Skipping back, she hurried after her mentor's girlfriend, calling out purposely, "Chloe! Come back! You know we can't stand him without you as a buffer!"
Title: Kiss and Make-Up!
sxymami0909 Category: Smallville
Genre: Humor/Romance
Ship: Chloe/Oliver, Mia
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
"All I'm asking is that you hear him out," she asked, staring at Chloe with all the pleading she could manage.
"You don't even know what we were talking about," Chloe reminded. "You're only doing this because he mopes when he's upset."
"No..." Mia denied. "I'm doing this because when mom and pops are fighting, the kids suffer." She nodded her head vigorously. "Ollie gets pouty and keeps looking at the computers like you'll jump out of one at any second. Frankly, it's a little pathetic, but that's just me!"
"And you are officially fired as my in-between when it comes to personal relationships," Oliver's voice interrupted.
Mia whirled. "Oh, hey... There you are..." She smiled uncomfortably. "I almost had her convinced you know."
"That I was pathetically lovesick, maybe..." he muttered.
"Wouldn't be wrong," she replied snarkily. With a sigh, she rolled her eyes. "Look, all I want is for you to kiss and make up... and by that I mean just make up because the kissing part...?" Her face scrunched up. "Totally not necessary. But, you know... The you-two-being-together..." Her feet shifted. "Kind of important."
Chloe smiled knowingly. "Mia... we argued. It doesn't mean we're breaking up or that you'll lose us in any capacity... It just means that we disagreed and trust me..." She grinned. "It happens."
Oliver stepped up next to her, looking just as earnest. "But we get through it."
Chloe looked up at him, adoration seeping through her previous irritation. "Always."
Mia pursed her lips. "Ew. You guys are getting lovey-dovey again."
He snorted. "I thought that's what you wanted."
"No... I wanted you together, just not in front of me."
With a laugh, they shook their heads. And even if she faked gagging over their affection, she was smiling on the inside.
Title: Being You
juleet Category: The Unusuals
Genre: Humor/Romance
Ship: Casey/Jason
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
Casey cocked her head. "If you plan on blowing up, warn me now. Because dealing with you when you're upset...? Still a new experience," she admitted. "Mostly, I'm used to too-calm-and-rational-Walsh."
Arms in front of him, braced on the wall, he blew out a thick breath. "I'm not upset... I'm pissed."
"Okay..." Her brows furrowed. "Should I call for back-up or just wait this one out?"
He snorted, turning his head to look at her. "You're something, y'know that?"
"I've been called a lot of things... Something is less insulting than most."
A grin cracked his face. "Thanks."
She half-smiled. "For what?"
He shrugged, drawing back from the wall. "Just bein' you..."
Her brows lifted. "Twenty-four-seven act. I'll have to sell tickets next time if this is the response I get."
With a shake of his head, he walked toward her, bending his head so he could say into her ear. "Like I'd share you with you anybody."
As he walked away, she turned around to watch him go, her expression one of both confusion and interest. Deciding to probe a little deeper, she went after him. Any time spent with Jason was time well-spent.
Title: Full Attention
purple_moon123 Category: Smallville
Genre: Humor/Romance
Ship: Chloe/Bart
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
He produces her favorite drink - almond mocha with extra whip - because he knows it'll make her smile. And when she does, his own mouth twists with a grin.
Her hair falls across her eyes, her face turned down toward her mug. "You always know how to brighten my day, Bart."
His feet shift; his stomach does a somersault while his heart is pounding hard in his ears. "My aim in life, 'Licious."
She looks up, reaches across to cup his chin and plants a kiss on his triumphantly flushed cheek. "Right on target," she murmurs. With a wink, she moves to walk past him.
This is a regular instance between them; a repeat of yesterday morning and the one before it, etcetera. This time, however, he skips in front of her way, making her head cock to one side in question.
"Just one more thing..." He moves so quickly she hardly has time to react. Arm around her waist, he draws her in close and leans forward, their noses brushing. Her eyes widen but she's not pushing him away. "You keep missing my mouth..." Leaning forward, his lips slant across hers.
He meant for it to be short, teasing, to let her know just what it was she was missing. But things progress and her fingers are buried in his hair, squeezing his neck as her lips part for his probing tongue.
When her coffee hits the floor, forgotten, spilling beneath his feet, he knows he's finally got her full attention.
Title: Comfort Food
svgurl Category: Smallville
Genre: Humor/Family
Ship: Chloe/Lois (family)
Rating: G
Challenge: Icon-Fic
"Pass the chips," Chloe muttered.
Lois hugged them to her chest and wrinkled her nose. "Get your own!"
She rolled her eyes. "Lo! You have a giant bag and you can't spare a few?"
Her eyes narrowed speculatively, looking her up and down. "You're having guy problems, Chlo. It won't just be a few..."
She scoffed. "Fine. Pass the ice cream then!"
"No way! It's double-double chocolate chunk!"
Chloe blinked. "How is this comfort food if you won't share any?"
Lois looked from her pile of goodies and then to her cousin. "How about a hug instead?"
"Lo-is!" she laughed, a grin splitting her face.
"See!" She pointed triumphantly. "I made you smile; I'm off the hook!"
"What?" She shok her head. "That doesn't even make sense!"
"Shut up," she muttered before reaching over and gathering her up in a hug. "Just leave my Lays and ice cream alone and we're even!"
With a sigh, Chloe hugged her back tightly. "No worries... I have a stash of Ho Ho's you aren't getting your sticky hands on!"
"What! Hey! No fair!"
Chloe pouted at her sarcastically. "Aww, you wanna hug?"
They broke into a fit of laughter, their heads resting on top of each other as they sat on their couch. Eventually, Lois would trade a half bag of chips for a handful of Ho Ho's and all was good. Until Lois revealed she had a pack of licorice in her room and it was all out war.
Title: Animal Instinct
kittycreed007 Category: X-Men
Genre: Drama/Romance
Ship: Kitty/Victor
Rating: PG13
Challenge: Icon-Fic
"Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty..." he mocks in a low growl.
A shiver runs down her spine and she knows how wrong this is but she can't help the way her heart skips a few beats and hammers its way up into her throat, swelling.
Things go quiet and her instincts tell her to run, but her feet don't move. Suddenly, she feels a presence behind her and her spine tightens, her hands turning into fists.
He reaches for her and she phases so his clawed fingers slide right through her intangible form.
He tisks, shaking his head. "We're not playing cat and mouse..." He bares his teeth at her. "You don't wanna be here, run little girl..." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "We'll see what I do when I catch you..."
She knows it's stupid but she takes a step forward, turns around to face him, and lets herself return to flesh and blood. "Who says you're doing the chasing?"
He grins, a flash of sharp teeth and for the first time, she sees what Rogue saw in Wolverine. Victor Creed is more animal than man and Kitty Pryde aims to test that.
Title: Kiss It
karahalliwell Category: Gossip Girl
Genre: Romance
Ship: Dan/Blair
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
Her lips curl in a smile that could challenge Chuck's manipulative smirk. His eyes still don't venture away; instead, Dan Humphrey is mesmerized and Blair soaks in every second of his interest.
Sure, in the back of her mind she's thinking this has to be a whole new level of wrong, but... Lonely Boy does have a certain appeal.
As he stares, her ego takes flight and she feels a zing across her skin as his eyes darken, his throat jerks with a thick swallow.
She leans forward, her head cocked, thick brown curls falling across her bare shoulders. "If you like my lipstick..." she says lowly, enunciating each word with perfect precision, lustful teasing dropping off each inflection, "Kiss it."
His eyes raise then, catch hers and there's determination in the sharp angles of his face. For a moment, she thinks she's not the one doing the chasing, but the one who's been caught. Her smile widens.
And when he leans forward, long fingers burying in her hair tightly, dragging her forward, she knows it was just a matter of time before Lonely Boy and B found each other. When his tongue reaches out to trace her lipstick, she's happy it was him.
Title: Focus, Soldier
chlollierockz Category: Smallville/GI: Joe
Genre: Humor/Romance
Ship: Chloe/Duke
Rating: PG
Challenge: Icon-Fic
He stands in front of her like the soldier he is; unmoveable, ready to fight. He's got his kevlar suit on, his brow furrowed in that intimidating way, and all the while she is smiling. Her lips tilt in a half-smirk, her sleek blonde hair falling across her eyes.
"How am I s'pose to aim with you breathin' on my neck?" he mutters, his gut lifted, his eyes set on the target.
"Where's that all-American focus Ripcord's always boasting about?" she snarks with a light scoff.
"You put a woman anywhere near Rip and his focus isn't gonna be on task," he replied with a slight grin.
Her eyes move to his, pausing to stare at the curved scar beneath. She reaches for it, trails her nail down his cheek and notices the gulp he takes, even as the rest of him stays completely still. "And your focus, Duke?"
He pulls the trigger and as the target is blown to pieces by his perfect aim she hardly has time to congratulate him before he whirls on her, that hard, kevlar covered arm gripping her waist and dragging her close. "Is free to be on you..." He smirks. "Now, anyway."
She grins, sliding her arms around his neck, fingers grazing the back of his neck, making him shake, his eyes fall half-closed. "Put the toys away then; we can have some fun of our own, Soldier."
Gun tossed to the ground, forgotten, he aims to do just that.