Title: Before Characters/Pairing: Helen/John Rating: Teen Summary: Helen confronts her worst fear…John. Written for (and winner of) Syfy LAS Round 1 Challenge 1 on LJ. Cross-posted: Shorter version with the Syfy LAS entries.
You are very, very good. Did you know that? I particularly like Constant, and I particularly like you tying it back to Don Juan, with all the baggage that Byron brings to it and all that it says about John Druitt's inner world before the Five. You have a very sure hand with these characters and with characterization in general. Tell me you're forty and a pro writer?
I wish! These are all my stories from the past year or so, so there are a couple of good ones and a lot of duds. I have been writing Sanctuary fanfics for a bit, so I am pretty confident with the characterization (and I've watched the show far too many times), but I usually only end up doing headspaces or drabbles, as seen above. Thankyou so much for your comment! It's always nice to know that someone is reaading. I love your work too!
Comments 2
Thankyou so much for your comment! It's always nice to know that someone is reaading. I love your work too!
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