Random Anime Review Monday #16: The Tale of Perrine / The Perrine Story

Jun 01, 2010 22:25

My project: watch and write about the first episode of a series with as little prior knowledge as possible.

There's a nice, descriptive title for ya. Thanks.

Week 16: The Tale of Perrine
Fansubber: C1 Anime

We're transported in the story to "a hundred years ago," sometime between the invention of cameras and the ubiquity of cars, in Italy. We're transported by the animation to what may seem like a hundred years ago but is probably more like 30, when animation was simple and backgrounds were watercolor and child heroines were obedient, patient, infinitely steadfast paragons of filial loyalty and not at all based on the latest market research of moe trends. Of course, heroines of that era lacked in personality what they gained in a lack of calculated pandering. Can't win 'em all.

I feel like I should have heard of this story before, but I don't think I have. I do remember reading stories of that ilk. Heidi comes immediately to mind. Child is orphaned, child is flung out in search of distant family or has to trek across Europe with her mother and a donkey or get a job as a chimney-sweep - something. Child is constantly reminding others of how honest and noble and (optional) pious they should be. Death from consumption is also optional. Dial down Dickens' cartoonishness just a smidge and you're there.

That's what we've got here, in very simple lines and flat colors and an earnest script: the story of a girl and her mother who trek from Italy to France after the girl's father dies, taking photos of townsfolk to support themselves.

And...that's it.

First impression: We are now in the diiiiiiiiiiistant paaaaaaaaast. And Europe.
Would I watch more? If I had some time to kill (this series is gearing up to be looooong) and wanted to turn off my brain entirely, why not.
Has this damaged my faith in humanity? Nah. I get the feeling that this is the sort of show that ambitious parents thought kids should watch when I was a kid, instead of whatever was hawking toy spin-offs. So wholesome it almost hurts.
Thing that I have to admit is kind of charming: The ending theme is a perky tune about Perrine's goofy hound dog.

Edit after looking it up: 1978, and 53 episodes.

Wow, looking at the last review and this one, that's some kind of whiplash. Unintentional, I promise.

anime, rar monday

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